
出版时间:2006年2月1日  出版社:厦门大学出版社  作者:黄昆海 著  页数:369  


  《大学基础英语教程》(高职高专版)系列教材是按照教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)(以下简称《基本要求》),由厦门大学外文学院及部分高职高专院校具有丰富教学经验的老师编写的。本教材以高职高专近几年来学生入学和在学的实际英语水平为依据,注重培养学生听、说、读、写、译的综合能力,强调“循序渐进,由易而难”的原则。教材以当代英语常见的语体和文体为主,所选篇章来自英美新近的出版物,题材广泛,内容新颖,时代气息浓厚,且语言规范,融实用性、知识性和趣味性于一体。  本书列教材由干教程《大学基础英语教程》1~3册、《英语综合进阶练习》1~3册以及《老师用书》1~3册组成。  本书是大学基础英语系列教材中主干教程的第二册。本教材以福建省高职高专近几年来学生入学和在学的实际英语水平为依据,在注重培养学生听、说、读、写、译综合能力的基础上,循序渐进,由易而难。本书包含十二个单元,采用每一单元设一主题的形式,每单元由两篇文章Text A和Text B组成。主题涉及当代生活的各个方面,学生可以将语言学习惯穿在了解和探讨现实生活中的各种问题过程当中。


  《大学基础英语教程(附光盘3修订版非英语专业用高职高专版)》是大学基础英语系列教材中主干教程的第二册。本教材以福建省高职高专近几年来学生入学和在学的实际英语水平为依据,在注重培养学生听、说、读、写、译综合能力的基础上,循序渐进,由易而难。《大学基础英语教程(附光盘3修订版非英语专业用高职高专版)》包含十二个单元,采用每一单元设一主题的形式,每单元由两篇文章Text A和Text B组成。主题涉及当代生活的各个方面,学生可以将语言学习惯穿在了解和探讨现实生活中的各种问题过程当中。


Unit 1 HealthListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A How to Live to Be a HundredText B Wake up Your Life by WalkingPractical Writing商品介绍(Product Introduction)Unit 2 PsychologyListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A What a Woman WantsText B To Feel Better, You Need to Think BetterPractical Writing便函(Memorandum)Unit 3 Pace of LifeListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A Pace of Life Allows No Room for StudyText B Modernity or BustPractical Writing产品使用说明书Unit 4 ValueListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A Profits of PraiseText B The Green BananaPractical Writing合同与协议(Contracts and Agreements)Unit 5 ArtListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A The MonsterText B A Rebellious Singer of This TimesGuided WritingUnit 6 TerrorismListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A Mr. President, We Need to TalkText B The Best Weapon against Fear-Love Your NeighborGuided WritingUnit 7 AddictionListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A Confessions of an Online Dating AddictText B WorkaholicsGuided WritingUnit 8 MusicListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A The Secret to Being a Successful MusicianText B Arts for AllGuided WritingUnit 9 MedicineListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A To Lie or Not to Lie——The Doctors DilemmaText B Crash CourseGuided WritingUnit 10 Famous PeopleListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A Hepburn Survived While Others Faded AwayText B Oprah WinfreyGuided WritingUnit 11 New GenerationListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A Youth Today: Adult Perceptions May Be MisperceptionsText B Generation Y in the United StatesGuided WritingUnit 12 AdvertisingListen and SpeakListening TasksSpeaking TasksRead and PracticeText A Kodak, Action: New Ads a HitText B Insights into AdvertisingGuided Writing词汇表




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