
出版时间:1999-09  出版社:华东师范大学出版社  作者:叶华年 等编著  页数:581  字数:580000  


 本书是我国高校英语专专文学教材之一,可作英语专业学生必修课或选修课教材之用,也可供社会上英语爱好者进修之用,短篇小说作为文学的重要组成部分,其内容直面人生,紧贴社会,其语言叙事写人,传情达意,富有活力,本书选编有代表性的当代英语短篇小说,旨在丰富和深化读者对英语世界的人生和社会的认识,增进文学修养和提高英语水平。  本书分两大部分,共16章,第一部分为英语短篇小说结构要素,计8章,第二部分为当今西方通用的文学批评方法,亦为8章,每部分每章各有中心,但彼此呼应相连,所选的32篇小说既体现所在章节的重点,又可联系其他章他进行讨论,因此使全书为有机的整体。


Part One  Structure  Chapter 1  Plot    John Updike  A & P    Graham Greene  The Destructors  Chapter 2  Character    James Joyce  Araby    Eudora Welty  A Worn Path  Chapter 3  Setting and Atmosphere    Flannery O' Connor  Everything That Rises Must Converge    Doris Lessing  The Old Chief Mshlanga  Chapter 4  Point of View    Frank O' Connor  First Confession    John Cheerer  The Swimmer  Chapter 5  Theme    Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.  Harrison Bergeron    Richard Wilbur  A Game of Catch  Chapter 6  Style, Tone and Mood    Nadine Gordimer  The Train from Rhodesia    Tobias Wolff  In the Garden of the North American Martyrs  Chapter 7  Irony, Humor, Satire and Paradox    Shirley Jackson  The Lottery    Bernard Malamud  The Magic Barrel  Chapter 8  Symbol, Allegory, Fantasy and Absurdity    Ann Beattie  Dwarf House    Donald Barthelme  Some of Us Had Been Threatening  Our Friend ColbyPart Two  Interpretation  Chapter 9  Moral-Philosophical Approach    Isaac Bashevis Singer  Gimpel the Fool    Kay Boyle  Astronomer's Wife  Chapter 10  Historical-Biographical Approach    Ernest Hemingway  Indian Camp    F. Scott Fitzgerald  Babylon Revisited  Chapter 11  Formalistic Approach    James Thurber  The Secret Life of Walter Mitty    Said (H. H. Munro)  The Open Window  Chapter 12  Psychological Approach    William Faulkner  A Rose for Emily    E. B. White  The Second Tree from the Comer  Chapter 13  Mythological-Archetypal Approach  Chapter 14  Sociological Approach  Chapter 15  Structural-Semiotic Approach  Chapter 16  Reader-Response ApperoachAppendixesBibliography




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