
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:天津大学出版社  作者:董长根  页数:260  字数:363000  


中国考生在雅思考试中最有可能获取高分的部分就是阅读。同时,阅读分数很大程度上决定了一个考生的写作分数。培根说过,“Reading makes a full man”,即阅读会使得一个人知识面很广。一个大量阅读的考生,主观表达的思路会很宽,“巧妇有米下炊”,才可能写出高分的文章。所以,不论从阅读考试本身,还是基于阅读的写作考试来看,阅读都是取得雅思高分的重要环节之一。    笔者通过大量的教学研究和丰富的课堂经验,发现我们中国考生在准备雅思阅读的过程中,并没有领会西方人设计雅思考试的“真正意图”,因此缺乏方向性和效果性。    其实这项考试,首要目的就是为了保证到英联邦(现已包括美国)读书的外国学生(其实主要就是中国学生)具有一定的词汇量,便于在那边生活和学习。另外一个重要的目的就是:保证每个去读书的人,思维逻辑和西方人主流的思维逻辑保持一致,方便不同种族文化问的沟通和交流。    比如阅读里面让大家最头疼的T/F/NG判断题,我们想了半天是FALSE,但是“老外”给的答案是NOT GIVEN,等我们好不容易想通了NOT GIVEN,下次做题,明明认为是NOT GIVEN,他们的答案却变成了FALSE。这些都是思维逻辑和西方人不一致所导致的。    所以,我们需要掌握核心的阅读词汇量以及西方人常见的逻辑思维方式。    本书按照上述两个方面展开:(1)教你猜词妙法,破解同义替换原则,呈现雅思阅读经典词汇,足以满足雅思阅读的要求,同时保证拓展性;(2)集中分析题型,集中掌握各个题型的思维逻辑以及猜题技巧。




推荐序前言第一部分 为什么“只阅读,不理解”第二部分 “只阅读,不理解” 2.1 真题讲解 2.2  “只阅读,不理解”之解题顺序 2.3 “只阅读,不理解”之迅速处理文章 2.4 “只阅读,不理解”之迅速把握题型分布规律 2.5  “只阅读,不理解”之迅速确定同义替换 2.6  “只阅读,不理解”之迅速猜词技巧 2.7  “只阅读,不理解”之迅速处理八大题型  2.7.1 八大题型之正误判断题  2.7.2 八大题型之配对题  2.7.3 八大题型之段落标题题  2.7.4 八大题型之文章概要题  2.7.5 八大题型之图表填空题  2.7.6 八大题型之选择题  2.7.7 八大题型之句子完成题  2.7.8 八大题型之简答题第三部分 “只阅读,不理解”之长难句理解第四部分 《剑1》至《剑6》阅读经典词汇/词组第五部分 《剑1》至《剑6》阅读经典句型第六部分 实战演练附录 附录一 常见前后缀 附录二 实战演练答案后记


  Most goods were transported along the paths that provided short-cuts up aud down the hillsides, but the paths were a real safety risk and made the journey on foot even more arduous. It made sense to improve the paths by building steps, handrails and footbridges.  It was uncommon to find means of transport that were more efficient than walking but less technologically advanced than motor vehicles. The use of bicycles was constrained by their high cost and the lack of available spare parts. Oxen were not used at all but donkeys were used by a few households in the northern part of the district. MIRPT focused on what would be most appropriate for the inhabitants of Makete in terms of what was available, how much they could afford and what they were willing to accept.  After careful consideration, the project chose the promotion of donkeys —— a donkey costs less than a bicycle —— and the introduction of locally manufactarable wheelbarrow.  Section D  At the end of PhaseⅡ, it was clear that the selected approaches to Maketcs transport problems had different degrees of success. PhaseⅢ, from March 1991 to March 1993, focused on the refinement and institutionisation of these activities.  The road improvements and accompanying maintenance system had helped make the district center accessible throughout the year, Essential goods from outside the district had become more readily available at the market and prices did not fluctuate as much as they had done before.  Paths and secondary roads were improved only at the request of communities who were willing to participate in the construction and maintenance. However, the improved paths impressed the inhabitants and requests for assistance greatly increased soon after only a few improvements had been completed.


  虽然,阅读一般被人们称做“阅读理解”,但是,“只阅读,不理解”才是雅思阅读考试的精髓!《只阅读不理解挑战雅思阅读高分》尤其适合:词汇量小,但需要迅速掌握技巧通过雅思考试的考生;词汇量不错,但是正确率比较低,急需迅速将实力转化为“生产力”的考生;考前模考成绩不稳定,需要形成稳定有效解题套路的考生。  要迅速突破阅读?要提高至少2分以上?要成为8分,甚至9分的顶尖高手?秘诀就是:“只阅读,不理解”




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  •   考试用书,需要自己细心去记忆
  •   特喜欢这本书,终于到了!
  •   董老师的这本书,将技巧与实战想结合,效果很明显~

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