
出版时间:2001-12  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  作者:董惠  页数:161  字数:228000  


  经中英两国有关部门和双方专家的多年努力,全国英语等级考试体系(Public English Test System,简称PETS)已以崭新的面貌展现在我们的面前。  PETS的目标和宗旨是“建立一个……拥有五个级别的目标参照性英语考试体系”,“完善各种考查手段,尤其是听、说方面的考查方法,确保各级别都能考查考生听、说、读、写的能力,以便配合有关的教学改革,使考生‘听不懂,说不出,难以与外国人直接交流’的问题逐步得以解决”等等。  PETS共分五个级别。在该体系中,PETS Level 5(简称PETS5)是最高,也就是最难的一个级别,其标准相当于我国大学英语专业二年级结束时的水平。  那么,PETS5和原WSK·EPT有哪些主要区别呢?  经对这两种试卷的剖析,我的看法是:它们的区别之处远远超过相同之处。除不完全排斥对语法和词汇等语言知识的考查外,PETS5是基于交际语言行为模式的一种考试,更侧重于考查使用语言的能力,即交际能力。因此,为了提高考试的效度,PETS5摒弃了过分强调信度和过多采用客观题的做法,笔试试卷中新设置的半主观题和主观题以及口试都更加符合在国外使用英语的实际需要。《全国英语等级考试第五级考试大纲》明确地把能力划分为“互动能力”、“接受能力”和“产出能力”。由此可见,PETS5决不是EPT的简单的改版,而是吸取了当今先进的教育测试理论和行之有效的经验,使题型更加符合我国留学人员在国外使用英语的方式和要求。比如:在“听力”部分增设考查产出能力的完成句子或回答问题的题型;“英语知识运用”部分全部采用半主观性的填空题;在“阅读理解”部分增设了两篇长度各达750~850词的文章;“写作”部分的词数要求增至不少于250词;“口试”的考查形式更是让人耳目一新,着重考查互动能力和连续表达观点的能力。




出版说明序概述强化训练  A节(练习一~练习十)  B节(练习一~练习十八)        C节(练习一~练习十七)模拟试题  模拟试题一  模拟试题二  模拟试题三答案  强化训练  模拟试题  附录:PETS5阅读理解试题答题卡


  Text 3  A greta deal can be learned from the actual traces of ancient human locomotion : the footprints of early hominids. The best-known specimens are the remarkable tracks discovered at Lactoli, Tanzania, by Mary Leaky. These were left by small hominids around 3.6 to 3.75 million years ago, according to potassium-argon dates of the volcanic rocks above and below this level. These hominids walked across a stretch of moist, volcanic ash, which was subsequently turned to mud by rain, and which then set like concrete.  Examination of the shape of the prints revealed to Mary Leakey that the feet had a raised arch, a rounded heel, a pronounced ball, and a big toe that pointed forward. These features, together with the weight-bearing pressure patterns, resembled the prints of upright-walking modem humans. The pres- sures exerted along the foot, together with the lengih of stride, which averaged 87 centimeters, indicated that the hominids had been walking slowly. In short, all the detectable morphological features implied that the feet that left the footprints were very little different from those of contemporary humans.  A detailed study has been made of the prints using photogrammetry, a technique for obtaining measurements through photographs, which created a drawing showing all the curves and contours of the prints. The result emphasized that there were at least seven points of similarity with modem bipedal prints, such as the depth of the heel impression, and the deep imprint of the big toe.. M. Day and E. Wiekens also took stereophotographs of the Lactoli prints and compared them with modem prints made by men and women in similar soil conditions. Once again, the results furnished possible evidence of bipedalism. Footprints thus provide us not merely with rare impressions 9f the soft tissue of early ho- minids, but also with evidence of upright walking that in many ways is clearer than can be obtained from the analysis of bones.  The study of fossil footprints is not restricted to examples from such remote periods. Hundreds of prints are known, for example, in French caves dating from the end of the last ice age, approximately 10,000 years ago. Research by Leon Pales, using detailed silicon resin molds of footprints mostly made by bare feet, has provided information about this period.





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