雅思通关特训 听力

出版时间:2009-5  出版社:北京语言大学  作者:李亚宾  页数:245  


本书特点:    涵盖雅思听力考试最新题型;    直击考试重点、考生弱点和应试难点:    由“黑眼睛雅思听力”作者编写,与“黑眼睛雅思听力”接续使用。    内容简介:    本书内容分为四部分:    一、概述:对听力考试的方方面面做概要介绍,提供一套预备测试题。    二、雅思听力必备知识:对考试中经常出现的英语基本知识进行归纳,为听力练习和听力考试扫清障碍。    三、专项练习:对听力考试的高频题型分单元进行训练。    四、两套听力模拟试题。




概述  一、雅思听力考试简介  二、雅思听力考试答题技巧  三、预备测试  TEST  快速浏览答案  试题解析  听力文本第一部分  雅思听力必备知识  称呼  数字  英国的货币  时间表达法  常用缩写形式  日期的缩写形式  英语的连读和吞音  英国报纸  度量衡换算第二部分  专项练习  Unit One  表格填空题    训练说明    1  Booking a Hotel    2  A Secretary's Note    3  The Course Price    4  The Amendments to the Course    5  A Complaint Report    6  Professor Lee's Office    7  A Trip to Vancouver    8  A Passenger's Survey    9  Applying for a Tennis Class    10  For Fun    11  The City Library    12  Renting a Bicycle    13  At the Party    14  The TEFL Certificate Program    15  Education System in Britain  Unit Two  匹配题    训练说明    1  Numbers of College Students    2  Household Expenditure    3  Plan for the Party    4  Gymnasium    5  Nutrition (Part 1)    6  Nutrition (Part 2)    7  The Elephants    8  A Campus Tour    9  A Library Tour    10  Types of Housing    11  A Map of the Small Town    12  Discussion about the Family    13  Shops    14  The Health Insurance    15  A Discussion on Education  Unit Three  判断题    训练说明    1  Buying a Gift    2  A View of Australia    3  Seeing a Doctor    4  Stomach Flu    5  Who's in Our Neighborhood?    6  Snoring    7  Snake Bites    8  A Heart Attack    9  Tranquilizers    10  An International Summer School    11  Pets' Safety    12  Clara Barton    13  History of Australia    14  Stress    15  Henry Ford  Unit Four 选择题    训练说明    1  Fire Making    2  The News Report    3  A Survey    4  The Saturn Rocket    5  William Thomson    6  Global Issues (Part 1)    7  Global Issues (Part 2)    8  Fees    9  British Newspapers    10  A Story of Galileo    11  Tourism Business in New York in Doubt    12  Tai Chi Society of Canada    13  A Report from London    14  Dying to Be Thin    15  Water Concerns  Unit Five  简答题    训练说明    1  Clouds    2  Dementia Patients    3  Tourism Industry in Canada    4  Choosing a Subject    5  Fitness Plan (Part 1)    6  Fitness Plan (Part 2)    7  High-heeled Shoes    8  Skin Problems    9  How to Select a Subject for a Research Paper (Part 1 )    10  How to Select a Subject for a Research Paper (Part 2)    11  Earthquakes    12  Malaria    13  Reducing Test Anxiety    14  Stop Smoking    15  Friendship  Unit Six 笔记填空题    训练说明    1  Titanic    2  Report on Terrorists (Part 1)    3  Report on Terrorists (Part 2)    4  News from Canada    5  Own Stem Cell Helps Infant Fight Cancer    6  Taking Care of Your Pet's Health    7  Smoking Ban    8  Education System in British Columbia, Canada (Part 1)    9  Education System in British Columbia, Canada (Part 2)    10  A Frozen Baby Clinging to Life    11  An Earthquake in the United States    12  Traveling in a Balloon    13  The Hosting Experience    14  The Hoster's Duty    15  Solutions to Crime in Canada第三部  模拟试题  Test 1  Test 2  听力文本  答案  附图    澳大利亚地图    英国地图    伦敦地铁路线图


  Listen to a talk about clara Barton and indicate whether the following statements are true or false by writing T for a statement which is true and F for a statement which is false.  1. Clara Barton was the founder of the International Red Cross.  2. Both her grandfather and father had been a soldier.  3. Clara became a teacher when she was sixteen.  4. She left her school for Washington in order to join the army.  5. Clara got permission to go to the front to take care of the wounded soldiers.  6. Clara was soon known as "the Angel of the battlefield".  7. More than thirty nations formed the International Red Cross Committee in Switzerland.  8. Clara Barton used to work with members of the Red Cross at the front in Europe.  9. Clara founded the Red Cross in America when she came back to the United States.  10. She started a class in first-aid when she was seventy-one years old.  Listen to a talk about the history of Australia and indicate whether the following statementsare true or false by writing T for a statement which is true and F for a statement which isfalse.  I. The first settlers were from Asia.  2. Arab and Portuguese sailors made early visits to Australia.  3. Dutch sailors explored the east coast of Australia,  4. It was Captain Cook who found Australia suitable for British settlers and prisoners.  5. Sydney was the largest city of the British colony in Australia.  6. Australia became independent states in 1901.  7. Australias population has increased since World War II.  8. In the last decade there has been an increase in immigration from Britain.  9. Australia is a multi-racial, multi-cultural society because of immigration.  10. About 61 per cent of the population live in New South Wales.




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用户评论 (总计28条)


  •   对雅思听力的提高很有帮助。李亚宾的书其实都不错的。
  •   这本书对于基础不好的童鞋来说比较有用,但是雅思考试就不行了
  •   有利于听力提高
  •   对我的听力应该会有很大的帮助
  •   雅思必备~~~
  •   把这本书好好利用 7分在等你
  •   很多人推荐的,只是我还没有做。但是感觉应该很好吧。就是不知道会不会因为出版年限而题会旧了点
  •   值得一看,里面有很多技巧可以借鉴
  •   很不错,但是跟真题有差距
  •   书还没有看,感觉不错
  •   不错 ···物流非常快 第二天就送到了 书的质量也不错 封面很整洁 干净 下次会继续光临
  •   学习时刻,收益良多。
  •   资料类 很好
  •   今天收到,书的质量还好,不像盗版书。呵呵。
  •   语音很纯正,还是比较实用的
  •   但是感觉和真实雅思考试还是有些不同
  •   第一次在当当买书,感觉不错,就是听力简单了些,对自己的帮助不是很大
  •   我的光盘坏了,能不能重新买个光盘
  •   别人推荐,还未看
  •   其实书编的挺一般的 没有模仿雅思的思维去编书,虽然话题都是与雅思考试比较接近,但是比如俺顺序给答案,答题类型什么的都有点像过去的中国考试模式
  •   如果有时间 当做练耳还不错但是如果是为了应试,题型和雅思的差很多,不是很适合
  •   送货速度很快。质量也还可以。坚持训练应该会有帮助。
  •   内容设置还行 就是包装不理想
  •   没太大用,同学们还是搞明白真题是王道
  •   虽然买了没有认真看,但培训老师比较认可和推荐
  •   语速跟剑桥的差的太远了,而且很少有同意替换
  •   每次买的书里面的CD都是坏的 能帮忙解决吗!否则以后不会考虑在当当买东西了
  •   这是所有雅思参考书里面最最最最最垃圾的一本没有之一,我他妈的后悔买了这一本书。这狗屎书里面充满了错误。整本书都不知所云。

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