新托福官方指南考点详解 基础篇 口语分册

出版时间:2011-1  出版社:北京语言大学出版社  作者:语言研究中心 编著  页数:226  


Task Types分题型训练
?Independent Speaking Task提供独立口语任务应对策略+练习
?Intergrated Speaking Task提供综合口语任务应对策略+练习
Actual Test 提供两套全真口语模拟试题
Workbook 提供词汇训练、语法训练以及记笔记训练
Orientation 介绍托福考试并提供官方评分标准(中文)
Scripts & Answer Keys 提供听力文本及练习答案




P A R T A Independent Tasks 独立口语任务
Task 1. Personal Preference 表达个人喜好 18
Task 2. Paired Choice 表达选择 32
P A R T B Integrated Tasks 综合口语任务
Task 3. Fit & Explain 信息定位并解释说明理由 60
Task 4. General / Specific 一般信息/ 具体信息 74
Task 5. Problem / Solution 问题/ 解决方法 88
Task 6. Summary 总结 102
P A R T C Actual Test 全真模拟试题
Actual Test 1 全真模拟试题 1 119
Actual Test 2 全真模拟试题 2 127
Workbook 练习册
1. Independent Task Skills 独立口语任务 137
2. Integrated Task Skills 综合口语任务 163
3. Pronunciation 语音训练 189
4. Grammar 语法训练 197
Orientation 新托福考试简介 219
新托福i BT考试简介 220
新托福i BT成绩对照表 224
Scripts & Answer Key 听力文本及练习答案


  Lets say you have a driver who complains of not being able to see road signs 5-10 meters away, but can clearly see what is immediatelyahead of them. Ten to one, they suffer from myopia, a common refractive disorder that you all probably know as near-sightedness. Withmyopia, far-away images tend to be blurry and out of focus. Headaches and eye strain caused by squinting are common discomforts for thosewith this disorder.Lets take another hypothetical driver ... and this driver has the opposite problem. He can see the road ahead of him clearly, but he has tosquint to see the speedometer thats right in front of his face. In this case our driver suffers from hyperopia, or far-sightedness. Uh, thesymptoms are pretty similar to those of myopia, headaches, eye strain ...  Uh, but this time, these discomforts are caused by squinting to seenearby objects, rather than ones far away.So, you see, class, having good eyesight is essential to being able to function properly in the everyday world. Without perfect or goodeyesight, we wont be able to clearly see objects within or beYOnd our peripheral vision. However, corrective surgery and prescription eyewearhave become available to people suffering from such conditions.Sample Response IAccording to the reading, the most common condition among various vision problems is refractive disorders which occur when the shape of theeye is not a perfect sphere and cant bend light properly. The professor discusses drivers who suffer from myopia and drivers who suffer fromhyperopia to illustrate refractive disorders. The professor says that the drivers who suffer from myopia, also known as near-sightednessexperience headaches and eye strain when looking at far-away images. Also, the drivers who suffer from hyperopia, also known as far-sightedness, experience similar discomforts when looking at nearby objects. The professor emphasizes the importance of having good eyesight.However, she also mentioned that these refractive disorders can be treated through corrective surgery and prescription eyewear.


  新托福iBT专业研发团队精心打造  循序渐进教授如何应对六大口语任务  两套托福iBT口语全真模拟试题




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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   做了阅读,感觉很好,于是买了口语,这套丛书的作者编写得非常认真,赞一个
  •   分析的很细致 很好用 就是我水平有限 需要多练习
  •   非常好的英语辅导资料
  •   适合基础一般的同学,很好
  •   考点很有针对性,对应试的帮助很大
  •   不错 基础的东西 大牛小牛就不要用了吧
  •   很好很好很好好好好好好好好好好好哦好好
  •   一步一步的教怎样说,并且有补充的知识点,值得一看
  •   还没看,应该算是很优秀的书籍了。
  •   签收是家人帮忙的 回来发现里面少了一张光盘!!!希望早点来换货!!

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