
出版时间:2003-7  出版社:中国政法大学出版社  作者:霍布斯  页数:250  


De Cive is the first full expositon of the political thought of Thomas Hobbes,the greatest English political philosper.Professors Tuck and Siverthorne have undertaken the first complete translation sice 1651,a rendition long thought to be at least sanctioned by Hobbes himself.    On the Citizen is written in a clear,straightforward,expository style,and in many ways offers students a more digestible account of Hobbes's political thought than the Leviathan itself.This new transltaion is both accurate and accessible,and is itself a significant schology,a bebliography and an expository introduction.Throughout,the editors have emphasized consistency in the translation and usage of Hobbes's basic conceptual vocabulary,trspceting Hobbes's own concern for accurate definition of tens.    RICHARD TUCK IS Professor of Govenment at Harvard University and a Fellow of Jesus College,Canbridge.He is the author of many books and articles,including the volume on Hobbes in the Oxford Pxfod Pastmasters series 1989,and he has previously edited Hobbes:Leviathan for the Cambridge Texts series.    MICHAEL SIVERTHORNE is Associate Professor in the Department of History at McGill University.He has published widely on the history of ideas,and has previously translated for the Canmbridge Texts series Pufendaf:On the Duty of Man and Cizen Accrding to Nanral Law(1991).




AcknowledgementsIntroductionThe tuanslationKey wordsPrincipal events in Hobbes’s lifeFurther readingPhilosophical Elements:On the CitizenThe Epistle DedixatoryPreface to the ReadersThe Text:ChaptersI-XVIIIIndex




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  •   政治思想史或政治哲学的中国学生大多从《列维坦》中看霍布斯,但没有看这本《公民》。这犹如只从《国富论》看亚当斯密,但却没有看过《道德情操论》一样
  •   我买的时候正好是特价,非常划算,书的质量也不错~~~
  •   研究自由主义发展历史的重要著作,很有启发性!
  •   全英文不错的
  •   都是专家的翻译和评介,值得信赖。
  •   英语版本,可以联系英文。
  •   全英文,无汉字,纯正的原版影印本
  •   理解霍布斯的理论,不可不看的是《利维坦》,但《论公民》也是了解霍布斯思想的一个重要著作,值得看看。
  •   还没读,翻看了一下,没有其他四本好。
  •   书很好,很正版,但是是全英文,读起来有点费劲,毕竟法学与政治学差别还是挺大的。

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