
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:西南师范大学出版社  作者:杨舟  页数:120  




Unit One Traditional Chinese ArtSection One Traditional Chinese PaintingSection Two Chinese CalligraphyUnit Two Western PaintingSection One The RenaissanceSection Two Gauguin and Van GoghUnit Three SculptureSection One The Origi  of Modem SculptureSection Two The Smile of KhmerUnit Four ArchitectureSection One The Pantheon A tour to the PanthenSection Two Architecture, Climate, and EnvironmentUnit Five AnimationSection One Pixar and WALL-ESection Two Hayao Miyazaki‘s Anime WorldUnit Six Industrial DesignSection One BauhausSection Two Corporate IdentityUnit Seven IllustrationSection One Illuminated ManuscriptsSection Two Aubrey BeardsleyUnit Eight FilmSection One History of FilmSection Two Art FilmUnit Nine AdvertisingSection One History of AdvertisingSection Two Types of AdvertisingUnit Ten PhotographySection One The early PhotographySection Two Photography and the Co truction of Reality



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