
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:蒋忠仁  页数:163  字数:281000  


本书所选取的内容基本覆盖了计算机软件、网络与计算机应用的各个领域,内容新,知识面广,趣味性强,具有广泛性和综合性。在每节的后面,给出难点词句的注释,附有相关专业的术语;每章都给出参考译文(英译中) 、各种练习题及其答案,以帮助读者更好地掌握课文内容。    本书内容包括计算机组成、操作系统、网络与通信技术、数据库应用、移动应用、图像处理、Web页面制作等。全书内容新颖,取材广泛,具有应用型特色,既可以作为高职高专、应用型计算机及相关专业的英语教材使用,又可供计算机硬件、软件和信息处理等专业的工程技术人员使用。对于那些想了解计算机基础知识、掌握计算机应用技能的一般计算机用户,也是一本全新的、好用的英文读物。


Chapter 1 Languages and Programming 1.1 Programming Concepts 1.2 File Access in C 1.3 Operator Overloading in C++ Exercises 1Chapter 2 Computer Graphics 2.1 Building Basic Graphic Element -- the Point and Line  2.2 Histogram Processing 2.3 Image Compressing and Coding Exercises 2Chapter 3 Multimedia 3.1 MPC 3.2 MIDI Interface 3.3 Video Compression Exercises 3Chapter 4 Network and Communication 4.1 What is the Internet 4.2 Access Networks 4.3 Electronic Mail in the Internet Exercises 4Chapter 5 Making Web Pages 5.1 Web Design Principles 5.2 XHTML and HTML 5.3 Cascading Style Sheets Exercises 5Chapter 6 Database 6.1 Brief Overview of Database  6.2 Brief Introduction to SQL Exercises 6Chapter 7 Computer Control 7.1 Information Theory 7.2 Automata Theory 7.3 Introduction to Modern Control Theory Exercises 7Chapter 8 Information Management 8.1 Electronic Commerce 8.2 Computer Security Exercises 8Chapter 9 Artificial Intelligence 9.1 What Is AI 9.2 Intelligent Agents 9.3 Robot Vision Exercises 9Chapter 10 Games 10.1 The Education of a Computer Game Designer 10.2 Artificial Intelligence in Game Design  10.3 Localization Exercises 10Chapter 11 Wireless and Mobile Network 11.1 How Does a Wireless Network Work  11.2 Types of Wireless Technology 11.3 Advanced Signaling Techniques Used to Mitigate Multi-path Exercises 11 Chapter 12 CAD & CAM 12.1 Computer Aided Design 12.2 Engineering Analysis 12.3 Computer Aided Manufacturing 12.4 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Exercises 12APPENDIX Appendix-1 Exercises Answer Key Appendix-2 Glossary Appendix-3 Bibliography



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