
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:蔡宏文 编  页数:173  


  本教材反映了我们对英语专业学生、教师及专业新动向的认识。学生方面,随着新课标的普遍实施,中学英语教学已经对学生提出了较高的要求,而目前的一些教材起点较低,需要编写新的教材与中学教材衔接。另外,随着科技的发展和日益一体化的全球经济,人们的生活方式不断变化,学生所关注的问题和观念也在不断更新,特别是其情感和认知需要具有鲜明的时代特征,新的教材理应关注其所关注的热点,适应其求知需要。特别重要的是,他们是成熟的一代,不要把他们当作高中四年级或五年级的学生看待。  就英语专业听力教师而言,许多学校安排听力教师并没有考虑教师本身的专业背景。常见的做法是安排没有接受过教学方法培训的新教师上听力课。这一做法的潜在理由是:听力课无非就是放放录音,对对答案;只要学生有大量的练习,听力水平的提高不在话下。通过大量练习提高学生的听力水平当然有道理,但是听力课绝非放放录音对对答案那么简单。上好听力课,提高教学效率,让学生加快进步的步伐,里面还是有门道的。我们相信听力老师们都希望能有更好的教学方法和更合适的教材。  近年来,英语专业界重新审视了大学英语专业的教学目标,强调人文素养的提高。我们认为,这一目标需要从大学一年级开始贯彻,体现于所有的课程。对于听力教材而言,适当地增加英语国家的文化背景就显得尤为重要。  本教材同时反映了我们对英语专业听力教学的认识和经验。这些认识包括:听力教学不是反复的听力测验,而是有目标有针对性的训练;根据学生听力水平提高的一般路径分阶段组织教学任务,各阶段有不同重点;针对学生的听力障碍进行强化训练有助于大学新生迅速提高听力水平;学生在课堂教学中主要学习听力训练的方法,通过大量的课外练习提高听力水平,等等。其中第一原则是满足学生的需要,具体而言就是要了解他们在不同阶段中存在的主要障碍,有针对性地设计练习,同时提供诊断性的反馈,帮助学生自主学习。此外,听力是语言教学的一种手段,提高语言水平也是听力教学的目标和任务之一。




Unit 1 Finding Your PlaceUnit 2 Meeting People  Unit 3 PastimesUnit 4 Hitting the BookUnit  Romance and FriendshipUnit 6 You Guys Are WiredUnit 7 GeographyUnit 8 LifestyleUnit 9 Clothing StyleUnit 10  Food&DrinkUnit 11  House&Home  Unit 12 TravelingUnit 13 LanguageUnit 14 ArtUnit15 CustomsUnit 16 CelebrationsUnit 17 SportsUnit 18 Youth and Education


  "Thank you, Angus." Frederick replied. "None of this would have beenpossible if you hadnt let me escape. Youve changed my life. I owe you a lot."  Angus blushed a deep shade of red and looked down at the floor. "Allswell that ends well," he said, doing_______his coat. Frederick smiledand patted him on the shoulder.  Angus left the restaurant and walked back along the peaceful streets ofNewtown. When he came to the prison gates, he knocked on the front door andthe night guard let him in. Angus clocked on, put on his uniform, and thenwent through the corridors checking the cells and turning off the lights.  Everything was in order. The prisoners had settled down for the night andthe jail was locked and still.  Angus yawned and sat down on a small wooden bench. He was tired. Andnow —— as the clock struck eleven —— the French Fries, the Welsh rabbit madewith blue cheese, the Scotch egg covered with French dressing, the steak (welldone) and the three platefuls of spaghetti bolognese hed enjoyed at dinnerwere pulling him towards the deepest of deep sleeps.  "Ill just have a little nap," he thought to himself. "Im sure nobody willmind if I nod off for a while." He stretched out, took off his belt and dropped itonto the floor.  A few minutes later, the stone corridors echoed to Angus Macphersonsunmistakable snores.  Meanwhile, in the darkness of cell 269, Angela Richardson, (an athletewho had run off with the membership fees of her local sports club) wasplanning her escape.  But that —— as they say- is another story...


  知名专家领衔,编写队伍精英荟萃。  具有系统性,注重教材之间的支撑和衔接。  具有完整性,覆盖大纲规定的所有课程类型。  具有新颖性,理念、素材和体例均大大突破传统教材。  典有开放性,可根据不同情况灵活选择。  突出对学生基本技能和实际应用能力的培养。  培养学生人文素质和跨文化意识,强调全面发展。  注重与《普通高中英语课程标准》的衔接。  适应大学英语教学基本要求,大学英语学生可选修。



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