
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:华东理工大学出版社  作者:李凤军,殷召荣 主编  页数:168  


在全球化、经济一体化的今天,加入世贸组织、2008北京奥运会,还有即将举行的2010上海世博浍……表明中国正快速融入全世界合作与交流之中,这对语言学习者来说既是机遇又是挑战:机遇是让我们的事业与视野延伸至全球层面,挑战是对英语表达与理解能力的要求越来越高。当听到马丁。路德·金(Martin Luther King)激情高亢的演讲《我有一个梦》(I have a dream)时,当想起亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的《葛底斯堡的演说》(The GettysburgAddress)时,你是否被其中语言的雎确表达和感染力所震撼呢?如果有一天要站在众多听众面前来表达自己的思想时,你是否已经准备好能让听众正确理解和接受你瞧观点?


Part 1  青春梦想Part 2 读书学习Part 3 校园生活Part 4 环境保护 Part 5 旅游天地Part 6 影视评论Part 7 社会生活Part 8 感悟人生


  Honorable judges and dear friends,I'm very glad to stand here to share my speech with you. Mytopic is Going Abroad.  Recently, more young people, even students in high schools,are dreaming of studying abroad. Attracted by advanced scienceand technology, they are eager to go to foreign countries, thinking thatthey are bound to get what they are longing for in order to have abright future.  But the reality may not be as good as they have expected.Some high school students may find it difficult to get used to thenew surroundings. This is because they do not know enough aboutthe foreign customs, cultures and history. It is especially difficultif they cannot communicate with others fluently. Some cannot putup with the poor living conditions. Even some may give up theirstudy because of lack of self-control. So very few of them canfinish their study successfully.  In my opinion, I think high school students should make theirown decisions according to their own abilities and their differentfamily backgrounds. But the most important thing is that theymust be clear about their purpose in doing so, and they should alsohave prepared fully.





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用户评论 (总计9条)


  •   对学生英语演讲有用
  •   对孩子的演讲有帮助,是本有用的好书
  •   书很好,但没收到光盘,不知发音如何
  •   书不错,5分好评。
  •   很好的书,适合学生做例文
  •   这本书还不错,但难以满足像我这样的英语演讲发烧友的深度和广度的要求
  •   不错,老师推介的书
  •   说是说高中命题演讲,但不知道什么原因,我总感觉像是初中生的水平。
  •   有时间拿来读读背背,对英语学习有帮助~~~

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