
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:赵杰丽 等主编  页数:216  字数:293000  




Preparatory Unit Introduct=ion to E-commerce
Task 1
Task 2
Unit l B2B E-commerce
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Unit 2 B2C E-commerce
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Tlask 4
Unit 3 C2C E-commerce
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Unit 4 B2G E-commerce
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Unit 5 Legal Risk Prevention in Contract for the International
Sales of Goods on Line
Task 1
Task 2


版权页:   插图:   Article5. Progress and Time Limit on Design and Manufacture 5.1 Within four weeks after he/she received the deposit, the Seller shallprovide to the Buyer the reaction drawings and the drawings for theplacement of the anchor bolts required for the design of the MetalBuilding System. The Buyer shall give this information to the designinstitute responsible for the design of the foundation as soon aspossible. All costs related to the design institute (including the cost ofsigning the drawings) shall be borne by the Buyer. 5.2 Within*** weeks after he/she received the prepayment, the Sellershall complete the manufacture of the Metal Building System andnotify the Buyer to send his/her representative to the Seller's plant toinspect the goods before their delivery and shipment. 5.3 Within one week after the Buyer has inspected and accepted the goodsand paid the Seller the amount set forth in article 4.3 hereof, the Sellershall have the goods shipped to the Site. 5.4 Should the Buyer request any change to the specifications or design ofthe Metal Building System, he/she shall notify the Seller in writing.The Seller shall try to satisfy the Buyer's request as best as possible,but may adjust the Contract Price or the time frame for performancebased on the additional amount of work, time and materials requiredas a result of such change. Such adjustments shall be effective uponthe agreement by both the Buyer and the Seller. If the Buyer shall failto sign the relevant confirmation provided by the Seller relating tosuch adjustments within 2 days thereof, such adjustments shall bedeemed to be cancelled by the Buyer. The Buyer shall not beresponsible for any delays in the design or manufacture of the MetalBuilding System as a result. 5.5 Except for force majeure or a failure by the Buyer to perform his/herobligations under this Contract, if the Seller fails to complete on timeany of his/her tasks set forth above, he/she shall pay a penalty of 0.1%per day on the late amount, commencing on the fourth day of suchdelay, provided that such penalty shall not exceed 3% of the ContractPrice.





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