
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:东南大学  作者:梁为祥//李涛  页数:305  




第一单元  大学英语教学大纲要求  一) 基本要求  二) 重点语法    Ⅰ  数词的用法    Ⅱ  动词的时态与语态    Ⅲ  动词不定式    Ⅳ  虚拟语气    Ⅴ  名词性从句    Ⅵ  句子倒装句型    Ⅶ  句子的强调结构    Ⅷ  句子的否定    Ⅸ  反意疑问句: 形式简单,但在不同的句子结构中有不同的构成    Ⅹ  形容词和副词及其比较结构和特殊用法    Ⅺ  英语句子的完整性、一致性和连贯性  三) “大纲”中拟定的词组第二单元  听力理解  一) 概述  二) 试题分析与解题技巧  三) 听力理解练习  四) 答案速递第三单元  完形填空  一) 概述  二) 试题分析与解题技巧  三) 完形填空练习  四) 答案速递第四单元  阅读与理解  一) 阅读理论指导  二) 仔细阅读篇  三) 快速阅读篇  四) 是非题  五) 选词填空  六) 阅读练习篇  七) 参考答案第五单元  翻译  一) 翻译题实例  二) 翻译题实例解析  三) 翻译练习第六单元  短文写作  一) 四级作文的命题原则和评分原则  二) 四级作文的写作要点与基本要求  三) 四级作文的文体类型与写作方法


  Andrew Jackson, who was President of the United States [rom 1~5~9 to H537, was one ot tlae mostcolourful political figures in American history. He first won national attention during the War of 1812when, as commander of about 5,000 backwoods farmers and soldiers, he completely defeated a well-trained British army of 10,000 men at the famous Battle of New Orleans.  There are many anecdotes about Jackson. Among them there is this humourous one.  After his wife died, Jackson lived alone and felt very lonely. He also began to worry greatly about hishealth. Several members of his family had died after suffering paralytic strokes, and Jackson was sure thathe was going to die in the same way. He therefore lived in constant fear of having such a stroke.  One day at the home of some friends, he was playing chess with a young girl. Suddenly Jacksonshand dropped to his side and he seemed to become very weak. His face became pale. Several friendsrushed to his side.  "At last it has come," said Jackson weakly. "I have had a stroke. My whole right side is paralyzed."  "How do you know?" someone asked.  "Because," Jackson answered, "in the past few minutes I have pinched my right leg several times,and there is absolutely no sensation in it."  "Oh! I beg your pardon, sir." said the young woman with whom he had been playing. "But that wasmy leg you were pinching!"





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