iPhone App开发实战手册

出版时间:2011-1  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:霍肯贝瑞  页数:324  


   ·使用xcode和interface builder创建一个复杂的应用
   ·了解如何让应用进入app store的独家内幕


作者:(美国)霍肯贝瑞(Craig Hockenberry)霍肯贝瑞(Craig Hockenberry),在过去的30多年里设计了多个获奖软件。他目前是Iconfacto ry的负责人之一,该公司主要生产图标设计软件。他们的工作还包括为微软、苹果、Adobe及其他业界领先的软件公司设计和制作图标。


the missing credits
part one: getting started with cocoa touch
chapter 1: building your first iphone app
getting the tools
installing xcode
getting the iphone sdk
what lies ahead for the sdk?
exploring your new tools
every flashlight needs a parts list
some assembly required
taking it for a run on your mac
revision decision
chapter 2: the power of brackets
objective-c: the nuts and bolts for your iphone
the land of square brackets
the object of it all
telling your objects to do things
masses of classes
classes in detail
the methods behind the madness
categorically speaking
implementation: the brains behind the
creating new classes
managing memory
take a nil pill
autorelease with ease
properties and dots
methods of class
initializing objects
deallocation location
loops: for better or for worse
your exceptional code
learn by crashing
selector projector
show your id
where to go from here
developer documentation
learn to be lazy
chapter 3: cocoa touch: putting objective-c to work
get in cocoa touch
the big three: models, views, controllers
value objects
let's get primitive
copying in depth
property lists
mutable versus immutable
make it mutable
protect your data
delegation and data sources
targets and actions
user interface: the hard way
user interface: the easy way
singletons as globals
where to go from here
the language of design
chapter 4: design tools: building a better flashlight.
part two: developmeat ia oepth
part three: the besiness end
part four: appendix
appendix a: where to go from here


版权页:插图:Now for the second caveat: the beta release is Apple Confidential Information andis covered by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). These big legal words meanthat you can't talk about it in public. You can discuss the new SDK only on theApple Developer Forums. You can connect with otherdevelopers who are doing the same thing you are: learning about a new release byasking questions and sharing discoveries. Apple engineers also contribute to thediscussion.The NDA also means that you won't find any books or other media to help youunderstand the changes. The only information about the beta release comes fromApple itself and is posted on the iPhone Dev Center. Typically there's a "What's New"document, release notes, and a list of API differences. Read each of these documentsfully: it's a great way to pass the time when you're waiting for several gigabytes ofSDK to download!




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