国际学院URP研究成果论文集第3辑=Third prodeedings of URP-Related research at ICB

出版时间:2010-7  出版社:中国农业大学出版社  作者:孟繁锡,许廷武,冯伟哲 著  页数:140  


  For the constant purpose of nurturing practical application ability and innovative spirit of students students of International College Beijing ,China Agricultural University ,ICB has been holding URP (Undergraduate Research program) Since Septenber.


  With the built up experience and reputation of this program, the number of ICB students applying for the membership of URP was significantly larger than the maximum capacity as before. The standards for screening qualified URP students were even more co


PrefaceThe Effective Communication Model for ICBResearch on the Obstacle of Communication between Foreign Instructors and Chinese StudentsBusiness Environment of the DIY Gift ShopStudy on Key Success Factors for the Sustainability of the UCDProgram f


  These problems will indicate that the manaemen level and lecturers cannot communicate whenever and herever they want. Moreover, the communicationmethods between them are inconvenient and inflexible.  We thought of some problems that remain in the an ag



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