
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:周玉基 中国传媒大学出版社 (2012-12出版)  作者:周玉基  




Unit 1 第一单元 平面设计史 GRAPHIC DESIGN HISTORY Lesson 1 从手写体到印刷书体Handwriting to Printed Type Lesson 2 文字设计的里程碑Milestones in Typography Lesson 3 招贴设计史Poster History Lesson 4 包豪斯The Bauhaus Lesson 5 包豪斯的平面设计Graphic Design at the Bauhaus Lesson 6 工业革命的冲击The Impact of the Industrial Revolution Unit 2 第二单元 平面设计专题 SPECIAL TOPIC&THEORY OF GRAPHIC DESIGN Lesson 7 设计定义Design Defined Lesson 8 设计程序Steps in the Process Lesson 9 平面设计基础Graphic Design Basic Lesson 10 设计管理Design Management Lesson 11 设计管理的重要性Why Is Design Management Important?Lesson 12 设计产业The Business of Design Lesson 13 设计职位Design Job Unit 3 第三单元 著名平面设计师 GRAPHIC DESIGN MASTERS Lesson 14 埃尔·李西茨基(俄罗斯)EI Lissitzky,Russia Lesson 15 保罗·兰德(美国)Paul Rand, USA Lesson 16 福田繁雄(日本)Shigeo Fukuda, Japan Lesson 17 彼得·贝伦斯(德国)Peter Behrens, Germany Lesson 18 米尔顿·格拉塞(美国)Milton Glaser, USA Unit 4 第四单元 设计公司与工作室 DESIGN FIRMS&STUDIOS Lesson 19 空间150 Space150 Lesson 20 青蛙设计——全球创意公司Frog Design—Global Innovation Firm Lesson 21 五角星设计Pentagram Design Lesson 22 寻求一个设计岗位To Find a Design Job Lesson 23 朗涛设计公司Landor Lesson 24 蜜蜂标志设计Logobee Unit 5 第五单元 国外著名设计院校 FAMOUS COLLEGES OF DESIGN ABROAD Lesson 25 中央圣马丁艺术设计学院 Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Lesson 26 中央圣马丁艺术设计学院的平面设计课程Graphic Design Courses of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Lesson 27 “自由与意愿”——多摩美艺术大学的理念"Freedom and Will"—The Ideology of Tama Art University Lesson 28 罗德岛设计学院Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Lesson 29 认证课程—一儿童书籍插画Certificate Programs—Children's Book Illustration (CB) Lesson 30 艺术史课程大纲Syllabus of Art History APPENDIX—Bibliography


版权页:   插图:    4. The Results The most effective designs satisfy an unmet need in both the individual consumer and the market at large, making the results twofold.For consumers, our products provide simplepleasures and life-changing advances. For clients, we raise revenue, stimulate markets,and inspire leadership. Our success has gained wide recognition within the business and design communities, earning us top awards,significant media coverage, and an everexpanding client base. 5. The Clients We work with top companies m every sector,from entertainment to finance, electronics to media. The industry leadership represented by this client list - including Disney, GE,HP, Microsoft, Motorola, and MTV - brings our designs to a vast audience, making an impact across a variety of markets. For us, this diversity means taking on a different audiencewith every project, tackling fresh problems and identifying new potential improvements.It means never falling into the rhythm of old work and established method. 6. The Culture At Frog, we engage in a constant, collaborative dialogue-in meetings and at our desks, over lunch and at our afternoon coffee break-that helps us tackle the industry's toughest projects. Together, our design teams face the challenges of short timeframes and complex business problems. Individually, we are pushed to produce our best work ever. frog asks for truly fresh ideas, new and groundbreaking possibilities. This level of challenge asks us to step up, time and time again, so we are constantly developing as designers, thinkers,and individuals. 7. The Growth Frog embraces change, a fact that has consistently positioned us at the forefront of the creative consulting field. Our capabilities have expanded beyond our industrial design roots to include software and UI design, packaging, branding,strategic planning, and in-depth business design. To accommodate these developments and the influx of new clientele, the company has more than doubled in size during the past two years alone. We have opened studios in eight locations internationally and formed a methodology to address higher-level corporate problems.





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