
出版时间:2003-10  出版社:中国人口出版社  作者:中华人口奖组织工作委员会 中国人口福利基金会编  




Part One:Special Honorary Award,Honorary Award1. Ma YinchuOn new populationA priceless treasure of the Chinese nation2. Song Ping3 aspects of populationHe devotes his whole life to the great course to benefit the people3. Xu XingguanPopulation adjustment and control is the adjustment and control at the highest level His 20 years' devotion to the basic national policy4. Wang GuangmeiI wish to work for the program of happinessTogether with the people5. Li XiuzhenA survivor's remarksHero who created the sweat causePart Two:Performance Award6. Ye WenzhiPriorities should be given to both economy and populationMales from Sichuan province are extremely nice7. Zhang ZhiyuanTo be a public servant foreverHe never forgets the people for a single minute Fa8. Zhang DeweiNo pain, no gainA screw that should not be short of9. Zhou HaizhenThe biggest value of one's life is creationLife is sublimed during the course of development10, Zhao ZhihaoFix one's mind with people's entrustHis contributions over shandong province11. Xu AiguangLife is like sailing m a seaIt is beautiful to be working12. Cui PeihuaTo root oneself in the country would bring him more opportunitiesCourtesy remarks over small grass13. Du YijinTouching remarks over human lifeDu's theorem14. Luo QiuyueRemarks upon quittingOur elder sister Luo15. Zhao YuruOne should not be afraid of facing difficulties directly andshould be capable of solving contradictionsA loyal heart in line with national policy.16. Qin ZhenhuaVictory comes from fightingStress notes from the piano of city party secretary……Part Three:Science AwardPart Four:Special Contribution AwardPart Five:International Cooperation Honorary Award



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