
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:中国大地  作者:苏宁萍  页数:144  




基础模块1Test One (Unit lNice to meet you ! - Unit 2  I can do it.)Test Two (Unit 3 How much is it? - Unit 4 Welcome to our party!)Test Three (Unit 5  What's your hobby?. - Unit 6  Would you like to order?)Test Four (Unit 7  Can I speak to Wang Yang? - Unit 8  How can I get to the nearest bank?)Test Five (Unit 9  What club would you like to join? - Unit 10  How can improve my English?)基础模块2Test Six (Unit lI Laughed tilL I cried ! - Unit 2I saw a terribLe movie. )Test Seven (Unit 3  Have you ever done a part-time job? - Unit 4 l've tried all the means of transportation. )Test Eight (Unit 5 It's time to change. - Unit 6 Tell me when the pain started.)Test Nine (Unit 7  So much to do before we travel! - Unit 8  If you wantto talk,you can go online. )Test Ten (Unit 9 Everything is made in China ! - Unit 10 Why was itbuiIt?)基础模块3Test Eleven (Unit l  He decided to have a big Christmas party. -- Unit 2 How to open a saving account?)Test Twelve (Unit 3  What courses do you offer? --Unit 4  I have to have my watch repiaced. )Test Thirteen (Unit 5  We are getting to work as packagers on the assembiy line, -- Unit 6  Would you mind saving something about your work experience? )Test Fourteen (Unit 7  The convenience store is over there. -- Unit 8 That's how most accidents happen, )Test Fifteen (Unit 9  is your company going to the fashion fair in Shanghai?Unit 10  That's what has been my dream work,解题思路与方法实践(另配送:2011年浙江省高等职业技术教育招生考试英语试卷及参考答案)


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