
出版时间:2002-2-1  出版社:社会科学文献出版社  作者:张道真  页数:429  字数:492000  






Lesson 1:Text A:The Youngest Bank Robber          Text B:A Robbery          Conversation:A Robbery          Grammar:The Past Participle          Exercises(Past participles,pefect infinitives)          辅导材料Lesson 2:Text A:Grace Darling          Text B:Florence Nightingale          Conversation:In the Hospital          Grammar:Use Of“it”          Exercises (Use Of“it”,translation C-E,etc.)          辅导材料Lesson 3:Text A:The Letter          Text B:The Story of Adam and Eve          Conversation:American Holidays          Grammar:Phrasal Verbs          Exercises (Phrasal verbs,etc.)          辅导材料Lesson 4:Text A:Angel Falls          Text B:Crossing a Continent          Conversation:At the Airport          Grammar:Conditional Sentences(I)          Exercises (Conditional sentences,etc.)          辅导材料Lesson5:Text A:The Man Who Missed the Plane          Text B:A Letter          Conversation:Arriving in a New Country          Grammar:Conditional Sentences(II)          Exercises (Condidonal sentences,etc.)          辅导材料Lesson 6:Text A:EXploring the Ocean Depth          Text B:The Sea          Conversation:Going to a Conference          Grammar:Passive Inhnidve          Exercises(The infinitive,-tion,etc.)          辅导材料Lesson 7:Text A:Skyscrapers          Text B:Disneyland          Conversation:Nuclear Power Stations          Grammar:Attributive Use of the Participle          Exercises(Participles,etc.)          辅导材料Lesson 8:Text A:Assassination of the Pope          Text B:A Hijacking          Conversation:At the Customs          Grammar:Adverbial Use Of the Participle          Exercises(Participles,use of some verbs,etc.)          辅导材料 Lesson 9:Text A:The Great Pyramid          TextB:The Taj Mahal          Conversation:At the Exhibition          Grammar:Complex Object          Exercises(Complex Object,word study,etc.)          辅导材料Lesson 10:Text A:Leonardo da Vinci          Text B:Beethoven          Conversation:An Art Exhibition          Grammar:Elliptical Sentences          Exercises (Ellipsis,word study,etc.)          辅导材料Lesson 11:Text A:The French Revolution           Text B:Napoleon Bonaparte           Conversation:An Evening Together           Grammar:Continuous Forms Ofb the Infinitive           Exercises (The infinitive,Word Study,etc.)           辅导材料……




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