
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:中国中医药出版社  作者:张庆荣  页数:242  字数:505000  


PREFACE1 INTRODUCTION  Concept of TCM and Basic Theory of TCM  Initiation Development of TCM Theore-tical System  Essential Characteristics of Theoretical  System of TCM  Major Contets of Basic Theory of TCM2 PHILOSOPHICAL BASES AND METHODOLOGY  Doctrine of Essential Qi  Doctrine of Yin-Yang  Doctrine of Five Elements  Methodology of TCM3 QI,BLOOD AND BODY FLUID  Qi  Blood  Body Fluid  Relations among Qi,Blood and Body  Fiuid 4 VISCERAL PICTURE  Five Zang-Viscera  Six Fu-Viscera  Extraordinary Fu-Viscera  Relations Among the Viscera5 THE MERIDIAN  Concept of the Merdian and Its Sye-tem  Twelve Regular Meridians  Eight Extra-meridians  Physiological function of the Meridian Doctrine6 BODY CONSTITUENTS,SENSE ORGANS AND ORIFICES  The body Constituents  Sense Organs and Orifices 7 ETIOLOGY  Exogenous Pathogens  Endogenous Pathogens  Pathogens of Pathological Products  Miscellaneous Pathogens8 ATTACK OF DISEASE  Pathogenesis  Type of Attack9 TATHOLOGY  Basic Pathology  Transmission and Change of Disease10 PRINCIPLE FOR HEALTH PRESERVATION AND TREATMENT  Principle for Health Preservation  Principle for Treatment




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