
出版时间:2004-12  出版社:中国环境科学出版社  作者:国家环境保护总局  页数:150  


《洪水易损性评价:洞庭湖地区案例研究(英文版)》内容包括:Introduction;Flood as the most serious disaster;The purpose of flood vulnerability assessment;The Flodd Vulneerability Assessment Approcah;A typology of floods等。


Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Flood as the most serious disaster 1.2 The purpose of flood vulnerability assessmentChapter 2 The Flodd Vulneerability Assessment Approcah 2.1 A typology of floods  2.2 The structurd of a flood disaster system 2.3 The disaster enabling environment 2.4 Disaster drivers  2.5 Disaster beaters 2.6 Disaster bearing Capacity of societyChapter 3 Method for Assessing Flood Vuinerability  3.1 Vulneralility assessment 3.2 Methodolodgy for assessing flood disaster vulneralility 3.3 The principles behind establishing and indicator system 3.4 The application of spatial information technology to Vulnerability assessmentChapter 4 Trial Assessment of the yangtze River 4.1 The natural geography of the Yangtze River 4.2 Major historical floods 4.3 Assessment mehtodogy  4.4 The disaster environment 4.5 Disaster drivers 4.6 Disaster beaeres 4.7 Flood vulnerability zones in Yangtze River basinChapter 5 Application to Donting Lake……Chapter 6 Assessment of Dongiting's Vulnerability to Flood ImpactsChapter 7 Results of the Assessment and Suggestions for PolicyAPPENDIX 1 The Analytical hierarchy processAPPENDIX 2 Data Sources and Standards for Dontion LakeFeferences



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