
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:第1版 (2005年1月1日)  作者:探索英语编委会编  页数:71  字数:30000  


Discovery Channel是美国著名的电视系列节目,自从播出后便以其丰富的主题、独特的视角、优美的画面和生动的语言感染了全世界的人们并掀起了一场全球性的探索热潮。     Discovery Channel电视节目在我国各地电视台播出后引起了极大的反响,越来越多的人开始关注我们周围的世界,探知宇宙、自然、历史、科学、人类、动物、军事、医学等各种学科领域的知识。     为了满足人们渴望深入了解Discovery Channel探索节目的内容,京文教育将这一著名品牌引进国内,并根据节目内容编排成适于中国人学习的《探索英语——震撼听说读系列》丛书,使其不仅通过电视节目进入千家万户,而且通过图书和视听产品进入读者的手中,让更多的人有机会与经典品牌亲密接触。    《探索英语——震撼听说读系列》是一套集听、说、读为一体的英语学习丛书,根据探索节目内容编排而成.共分七大主题——宇宙、自然、动物、历史、科学、探案、军事。每个主题下又由数本小主题组成,独立成册。这套丛书采用中英文双语形式,每本书均设有背景知识、难点注释、词汇解释、综合理解练习。     高品位的节目,高质量的音效,高水准的配音及优美、流畅、地道的语言表达是这套丛书的特点,也使它独具魅力,可谓是学习英语类图书中难得的上好教材。读者可以借助磁带或CD聆听纯正的英语朗读,在享受的同时磨练听力,还可以通过阅读细细体味原汁原味的英语美文、精巧的句式和短语,从而丰富语言知识。此外,读者也可以利用书中设置的讨论题结合主题展开讨论,表述自己的观点和看法,以此达到练习口语的目的。另外,由于本书内容由解说词和谈话构成,所以部分语句不可避免地存在不符合书面语法的情况,这是英语口语的特点,而并非错误。    如今英语学习已进入了一个崭新的时代,全面提升英语素质的图书受到越来越多人的欢迎。《探索英语——震撼听说读系列》丛书愿为英语学习爱好者和不断寻求新知的人打开一扇窗,清新的空气会令人心怡气爽,感悟英语学习也能如此惬意、喻悦,同地带来的是前所未有的心灵感撼。    我们衷心希望这套丛书能对读者提高英语素质有所益处,让读者在阅读和聆听的同时感受快乐和满足。让我们一起走进探索英语,体会那份震撼与魅力吧。


1、Background 背景介绍  Key Words 相关词汇2、Text 正文3、Comprehension Questions 理解练习4、Translation 译文5、Keys to "Comprehension Questions"  理解练习答案6、Glossary 词汇表  表1、Words 单词  表2、Phrases 短语


  Crime Lab  When criminals blow things up,scientists piece them back together. How do they do it? A team of detectives becomes chemists to crack the case of the world's greatest forger.  Is this map from the 15th century,or is it a fake that fooled scholars around the world? “The Vinland map is a fake.” “It is probably authentic.”  Can science solve the riddle of the Vinland map?  February 1993,New York's World Trade Center.  A bomb explodes,killing six and injuring thousands. April 1995,Oklahoma City. A truck bomb destroys a downtown Federal Building,leaving one hundred and sixty-nine dead.  Bombings are becoming a tragically familiar part of modern life. And for investigators,they are among the most difficult crimes to solve.  Bomb cases require the work of highly trained agents who search for the evidence,as well as crime lab scientists who piece together that evidence using state-of-the-art techniques.  Malcolm Brady is Deputy Assistant Director of the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms.  ATF investigates over seven hundred bombings a year.  “The key to any investigation is training. In our agency,we do a significant amount of it in that way,we literally blow things up. We blow cars. We blow buildings.”  At ATF's National Academy in Georgia,field agents receive advanced training in bomb site investigation.  “Once you map all this stuff out,you will see a distinct pattern to how the fragments lay,which in a lot of cases will tell you from which side it was initiated.”  A car bomb is an especially deadly weapon. It turns a vehicle into two tons of shrapnel.  The bomb will be dynamited from a reinforced booth five hundred yards away.  Less than two pounds of dynamite obliterates the vehicle.  An explosion is a chemical reaction,in which a solid or liquid instantly changes into an expanding volume of hot gas.  Explosives are compounds that have weak chemical bonds. When those bonds break,they release energy in the form of heat and gas pressure.  The rapid expansio of gas during an explosion creates a pressure wave that slams against objects in its path causing destruction and death.  To the experienced eye! the pattern of damage in a bomb blast can be read like a book.  “And some more sharp metal.”  But deciphering the clues requires an attention to microscopic detail. And sometimes,those clues can be spread out over miles of terrain.  The ATF was tested by one of the most complex cases they ever investigated,the World Trade Center bombing. The ATF team was on the scene within hours of the blast. Malcolm Brady was in charge of ATF's investigation.  “The first impression I had was that you were walking into the belly of hell. It was the most devastating thing I had ever witnessed.”  The bomb had destroyed the huilding's parking garage,leaving a pit six stories deep. What was left was still crumbling.  “The floor in the building was still falling apart. We had to salvage as much evidence as we could in a short amount of time as we could.”  The first step in a bombing investigation is to pin-point the precise location of the bomb,Ground Zeron.  ……





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