
出版时间:2006-11  出版社:龙门书局  作者:吴荣铭  页数:78  字数:210000  


本丛书具备以下四大特点:   同步配套:根据教学实际需求,每册试卷包括课课(节节)练习卷、单元训练卷、期中检测卷、期末检测卷以及试题解析与参考答案,与教材内容紧密同步。九年级第二学期用书还附有总复习及毕业升学模拟试卷。   科学高效:每份试卷选题精要、典型,难度梯度科学合理,内容深入浅出、趣味灵动,以最短的时间达到夯实基础、提高兴趣、启发思维、培养能力的目的。   时效性强:部分选题紧密结合当前现实生活和社会科技等热点问题,材料新颖,内容生动,以使学生及时掌握最新信息,把握最新中考动态。   新颖实用:充分吸收国内外最新教改思路和成果的精华,博采众长,独树一帜。在“参考答案”中对题目给出了详尽解析;每单元答案前还辟有知识要点、重点和难点提示等栏目,便于学生掌握。


Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from? Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 2 Where's the post office? Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 4 I want to be an actor. Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 5 I'm watching TV. Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 6 It's raining. Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 7 What does he look like? Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 8 I'd like some noodles. Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 9 How was your weekend? Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)Unit 12 Don't eat in class. Section A(1) Section A(2) Section B(1) Section B(2)单元训练卷(Unit 1)单元训练卷(Unit 2)单元训练卷(Unit 3)单元训练卷(Unit 4)单元训练卷(Unit 5)单元训练卷(Unit 6)单元训练卷(Unit 7)单元训练卷(Unit 8)单元训练卷(Unit 9)单元训练卷(Unit 10)单元训练卷(Unit 11)单元训练卷(Unit 12)期中测试卷(Unit 1-6)期末测试卷(Unit 7-12)试题解析与参考答案





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