
出版时间:2005-9  出版社:现代教育出版社  作者:中国北京市海滨区教师进修学校附属实验学校  




第1课 你认识这些水果吗?
第2课 我去买水果
第3课 水果的贮存
第4课 我想开家水果店
第5课 逛菜市场
第6课 夏季是蔬菜的时令季节
第7课 参观蔬菜温室大棚
第8课 蘑菇的营养
第9课 我向你推荐中式糕点
第10课 西餐中的甜点
第11课 我定做生日蛋糕
第12课 我们一起吃月饼
第13课 逛鱼市
第14课 龙虾三吃
第15课 吃海带的好处
第16课 螃蟹上市了
第17课 涮羊肉
第18课 炸鸡翅
第19课 烤牛排
第20课 炖猪肉
第21课 我们去哪家餐馆?
第22课 宴请客人
第23课 中餐的习俗
第24课 买单
Then we arrived at Beijing Jinxiudadi agro-ecological garden. Aadministrator led us into the greenhouse. When we got into it, wesaw a very beautiful scene of life. The cucumber grew well, and its li-ana had already reached the roof of the greenhouse. Its light yellowflowers were very beautiful. This green ocean'was dotted with strik-ingly red tomatoes. We were absorbed in the beautiful view in front ofus. When the administrator said,Now we use modern agriculturaltechnology to control the environment. So we have turned traditionalagriculture when people lived off nature to highly efficient modern ag-riculture. He also told us some new technologies in which people usecomputers to control automatically temperature, humidity and fertiliz-er. He also showed us some new and special products. When we weregoing to leave, he gave us quite a lot of fresh vegetable and fruit aspresents. I was indeed very happy that day.



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