
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:方洲 编  页数:248  


一学就能记住的常用句型:提供最常用、最实用的英语句型,帮助孩子克服阅读中可能遇到的困难。    一学就能掌握的会话阅读:帮孩子把阅读中经常出现的句型编写成实用对话,让孩子在语境中快速记忆。    一学就能产生兴趣的短篇阅读:按照小学生的阅读习惯,精选地道英语编写而成。紧扣小学生的爱好兴趣,让孩子从此爱上英语阅读。


第一章  All About Me 01. Introducing yourself 02. I am a strong boy 03. How do you feel? 04. What is your dream? 05. My favorite clothes 06. My favorite color 07. My favorite sport 08. My favorite drink 09. My favorite toy 10. My hobbies第二章  My Family 11. My house 12. My family members 13. Scientist Uncle Li 14. Three meals a day 15. My family party 16. My family's garden第三章  My School Life 17. Introducing my school 18. Introducing my teachers 19. Introducing my classmates 20. What time do you go to school? 21. Which subject do you like best? 22. A day of my school life 23. Our school library第四章  Colorful Life 24. A day in my holiday life 25. Chinese festivals 26. A kite match 27. My birthday party 28. A gift to my brother 29. I am a volunteer第五章 A Happy Weekend 30. I go to a bookstore 31. I go to a supermarket 32. I eat western-style foods 33. Let's have a picnic! 34. I can help my mum!第六章  A Visit 35. Visiting a zoo 36. Visiting a farm 37. Going to a cinema 38. Seeing a doctor 39. Sea World 40. Finding out about the universe第七章  A Trip 41. What's the weather like today?  42. Which season do you like?  43. How to prepare for a trip  44. How can you go to Beijing?  45. Asking for directions in Beijing  46. Arriving in Beijing答案


插图:Kevin wanted to buy some new clothes, so he went to a shop. First he asked for some trousers and tried them on. Then he took them off and gave them back to the shopkeeper and said, " Please give me a coat. " The woman gave him a coat, and said, "This one costs the same as the trousers. "Kevin took the coat and walked out of the shop with it. The woman ran after him and said," You have not paid for the coat. ""But I gave you the trousers for the coat, and they cost the same as the coat, don't they?""Yes, but you didn't pay for the trousers either.""Of course I didn't. I did not take them. I am not stupid. No-body gives things back and then pays for them. "





    我的第一本英语阅读书 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计25条)


  •   很适合小学孩子学英语看的一本书。
  •   对提高英语阅读水平很有帮助
  •   给儿子请的英语老师推荐的,要求买;说是主要是针对孩子做题,提高笔试。同时还推荐了其他几本书
  •   通俗易懂,适合孩子,非常满意
  •   跟孩子一起学习,一起进步
  •   书非常好还有图片每一篇都是一个小故事从中可以学到很多不知道的知识(如自己也可以按他的方法自己学着写一段话)
  •   书不错,这个还好以
  •   里面的小文章很好,而且还有配套练习,不错
  •   这个买太早了,放着大点了读
  •   很厚实的一本,内容丰富。
  •   这本书很好看,使我受益匪浅
  •   让学生们轻易学英语,很赞的一本书!不过就是有点觉得6年级的学生看的话有得太浅啦!
  •   可惜我自已英语太差,没办法带着儿子们学,要是有光盘就更好了
  •   这本书买的稍有一点点早,可能晚一点孩子才能用到,其实对于我来说内容有点枯燥,但是孩子还挺感兴趣的,那就好
  •   还不错!对我们底子差的孩子还是一本不错的好书
  •   这本书挺适合小学生的,文章后还有一些问题,挺好的。
  •   有点难度 ,小女需我陪着她一起学
  •   给儿子的书,希望能喜欢。
  •   书很大的一本,感觉很超值。
  •   没想到挺厚一本! 字体比较大,看了舒服
  •   感觉不是很实用,放着再说吧。
  •   太多文字,少图画。不适合学龄前儿童。
  •   没有生词的解释,不方便使用
  •   每一本书都有塑封是一个巨大的进步
  •   一本让您和您的孩子共同学习的好书。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
