
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:中国画报  作者:Li, Gang  页数:111  字数:32000  


Gubeikou is an ancient hidden pass near Miyun (just north of Beijing), with Panlong (Twining Dragon) Mountain in the east and Wohu (Crouching Tiger) Mountain in the west. The Chaohe River passes through it, and the Great Wall makes a turn here and continues northwestward. Viewed from a higher position, verdant trees and blooming flowers set off the Great Wall and the pass, with cooking smoke rises lazily from the houses dotted across the picturesque landscape. While retaining its historical appearance, Gubeikou also presents a modem view.


A ONCE FORMIDABLE FORTRESS ——GUBEIKO Dangerous Beauty Rich History Great Wall Battlefield Colorful CultureMOUNTAINOUS MYSTIQUE——YANGJ IAYU Peaceful Mountain Historic Homes The Roller Mill "Chastity Plaque" Water WellnessTHE URBAN VILLAGE—— GAOBEIDIAN At the Heart of Things The Village Stele Tourist Attractions Stilt TeamTHE WONDROUS WAY——YANJIATAI Passage to History Home and Hearth Longmenjian Scenic Zone West Beijing Hanging Temple Shanbangzi OperaPIONEERING FOLK CUSTOM TOURISM——GUANDI Evolving Village A New Look Made at Home Healthful Stay "Happy Farmer's Home" Training for TodayTHE SCHOLARLY VILLAGE——LINGSHUI A Millennium Place Temples of Tolerance Elegant SiheyuanA PARADISE GREEN——ZHUANGHU Village of Customs Home of Hospitality Sampling Countryside Life A PLACE OF CHARMAND BATTLEMENT——YANHECHENG About aVillage Historic Houses A Place ofDrama Watchtowers XiangyangkouTHE PROSPEROU SVILLAGE—CHADAO Source of Good Fortune History of a Village The Painful Past The HHai Yue Lai HostelGOLD INGOT ON THE MOUNTAIN——CHUANDIXIA Ancient Elegance Origins ofaName Temples of the Mountain Indigenous Insight





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