
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:梁云福  页数:163  


  The Ancient City Pingyao has always been reputed as a"treasure-house of ancient architecture of China,"and it is extremely rare to find a site inChina with as many first.class cultural relics.As a historical museum of architectural art of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Pingyao brings" to life the historicat context of the 17th to 19th centuries,hence of great historical,artistic and scientific value to study the transformation of ancient cities in China.and the development of Urban architcture,residential paRern and traditional culture.


Inscription on the World Heritage List:Long—Lived Turtle City Finding Its Rightful PlaceOld City Walls of Pingyao:Amazing Marvel of Architectural Grandeur and SplendorBasic Principles of City Planning:036Harmony Within Hierarchy and Beauty of BalanceWell-Preserved Private Residences:Grand and Imposing Facades with Fine InteriorsDacheng Hall of Wenmiao Temple:Fascinating Testimony to Chinese Folk ReligionRishengchang Piaohao:First Draft Bank to Offer Remittance Services All Over ChinaShuanglin Temple:Oenuine Treasure House of Painted Clay Statues and FigurinesZhenguo Temple:Old Timber—Framed Hall Complete with Ten Thousand BuddhaS



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