
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:中国石化出版社  作者:新概念英语学习中心 编  页数:225  


说起《新概念英语》,只要学习英语的中国人几乎都知道。这套教材在中国已经流行了近30年,仍经久不衰。《新概念英语一课一练》系列丛书既紧贴《新概念英语》的课文内容,又增添了很多相关练习。它的最大特点是从语法、词汇、阅读、翻译和写作等方面对学习者进行同步辅导。    结合中考、高考、大学英语四六级、考研等考试的要求,编者从应试和应用的角度出发,把教材的精华和学习的重点、难点全部融入习题中,从而有效帮助学习者巩固课文知识、加深记忆、训练技能,最终全面提高英语听、说、读、写能力。    本套丛书既可供自学《新概念英语》的读者使用,也可供相应水平的自学者查漏补缺,进一步提高自己的英语水平。


Lesson 1  Finding fossil manLesson 2  Spare that spiderLesson 3  Matterhorn manLesson 4  Seeing handsLesson 5  YouthLesson 6  The sporting spiritLesson 7  BatsLesson 8  Trading standardsLesson 9  Royal espionageLesson le  Silicon valleyLesson 11  How to grow oldLesson 12  Banks and their customersLesson 13  The search for oilLesson 14  The Butterfly EffectLesson 15  Secrecy in industryLesson 16  The modern cityLesson 17  A man-made diseaseLesson 18  PorpoisesLesson 19  The stuff of dreamsLesson 20  Snake poisonLesson 21  Williams So Hart and the early "Western" filmLesson 22  Knowledge and progressLesson 23  Bird flightLesson 24  BeautyLesson 25  Non-auditory effects of noiseLesson 26  The past life of the earthLesson 27  The "Vase"Lesson 28  Patients and doctorsLesson 29  The hovercraftLesson 30  Exploring the sea-floorLesson 31  The sculptor speaksLesson 32  Galileo rebornLesson 33  EducationLesson 34  AdolescenceLesson 35  Space odysseyLesson 36  The cost of governmentLesson 37  The process of ageingLesson 38  Water and the travellerLesson 39  What every writer wantsLesson 40  WavesLesson 41  Training elephantsLesson 42  Recording an earthquakeLesson 43  Are there strangers in space? Lesson 44  Patterns of cultureLesson 45  Of men and galaxiesLesson 46  HobbiesLesson 47  The great escapeLesson 48  Planning a share portfolio



    新概念英语一课一练(第四册) PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   一本不起眼但很不错的书
  •   暂时还没看呢 就不给啥心得
  •   题目不错,但比较适合基础扎实的人
  •   层次不明,什么类型的题都有

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