
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:中华工商联合出版社有限责任公司  作者:国试书业 编  页数:120  字数:138000  






  45. As regards payment terms, we require irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight.   46. Please expedite the opening of L/C enabling us to ship the goods according to the contracted shipping date.   47. Provided you fulfil the terms of the credit we will accept and pay at maturity the draft presented to us under this credit and, if required, providing discounting facilities at current rates.   48. We can assure you that we will place a repeat order, should the present order be executed to our satisfaction.   49. We are pleased to confirm our sale to you of our goods on the terms and conditions set forth below.   50. We are compelled to decline this order because the earliest delivery we can promise will be next March.   51. Although we are not in need of these goods at present, we shall bear you in mind for future requirements.



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  •   与真题难度一致,好评
  •   正在准备考试呢,所以要多做题。这套卷子对我的帮助很大的,希望这次考试能一次通过。

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