
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:大连出版社  作者:赵伊娜 李响 著  页数:401  


《大学英语六级真题——8天超细详解+非常速解绝技 视频课堂》的主题思想是将动画与大学英语六级真题的知识巧妙的结合起来,用现代计算机技术使大学英语六级真题的知识以动画的形式生动的出现,让考生在系统的、有趣的、生动的环境下牢记考大学英语六级真题知识。  主要内容包括:《大学英语六级真题——8天超细详解+非常速解绝技 视频课堂》分为战术点拨、词汇总结、原文翻译、详细解析、看翻译学单词等特色板块。这些特色板块能快速有效的帮助考生通过大学英语六级考试关。


赵伊娜 教授 青岛市翻译学会常务副会长


  One of the major producers of athletic footwear, with 2002 sales of over $10 billion, is a company called Nike, with corporate headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, Forbes magazine identified Nike's president, Philip Knight, as the 53rd-richest man in the world in 2004. But Nike has not always been a large multimillion-dollar organization. In fact, Knight started the company by selling shoes from the back of his car at track meets.  In the late 1950s Philip Knight was a middle-distance runner on the University of Oregon track team,coached by Bill Bowerman. One of the top track coaches in the U.S., Bower man was also known for experi menting with the design of running shoes in an attempt to make them lighter and more shock-absorbent.After attending Oregon, Knight moved on to do graduate work at Stanford University; his MBA thesis was onmarketing athletic shoes. Once he received his degree, Knight traveled to Japan to contact the Onitsuka Tiger Company, a manufacturer of athletic shoes. Knight convinced the company's officials of the potential for itsproduct in the U.S. In 1963 he received his first shipment of Tiger shoes, 200 pairs in total.  ……


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  •   书讲的很全面,不过视频讲的不好,感觉就是一个人在照着稿子读。

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