
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:南京出版社  作者:管秋惠  字数:12000  




版权页:   插图:    The world's five greatest palaces are the Forbidden City in Beijing,the White House in Washington, Buckingham Palace in London, Versaillesin Paris and Kremlin in Moscow. People who visit these palaces personallywill always pay tribute to them not only because they were symbols ofsupreme powers, but also because their architectures and decorations havereached the peak of art. Those palaces have one thing in common: there isshiny and brilliant gold foil in the interior or exterior of them. Less knownis the fact that most of their gold foil came from Nanjing, China. Apartfrom those places, the gold foil made in Nanjing is also used in the RoyalPalace of Thailand, the Archway of Osaka in Japan, official residence ofpresident of Zaire... Chinese can proudly say that it is the gold foil fromNanjing which makes the world magnificent! There is a long history of forging gold foil in Nanjing. During theSix Dynasties, culture and art began to prosper in the South with its rapideconomic development. Literature shows that during that period of time,gold foil stickers were used to decorate the Buddha statues and goldthread was used in the embroidery works portraying Buddha. Most ofthe consumption of gold and silver foil in the Six Dynasties was used onBuddha statues. At the same time, the gold foil unearthed from the tombsof the Six Dynasties in Nanjing reveals that the gold foil was also appliedin other fields. In the poems of the Tang Dynasty, many references to the "goldthread" reflect the wide use of gold foil in Nanjing. During the SongDynasty, gold foil was loved and talked about by ordinary people. Duringthe Yuan Dvnastv. the Dooular use of ~old and silver in fabrics andclothing brought about an increasingdemand for gold foil and gold thread.At that time, the lower reaches of theYangtze River was a major place fortextile manufacturing.





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