
出版时间:2006-2  出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司  作者:迪安  页数:62  字数:86000  


在目前的初中英语教学中,写作教学比较受忽视,学生普遍对写作有畏难情绪,教师也无暇对学生进行有针对性、系统性的有效训练,这既违背了英语学习规律,又不符合《英语课程标准》。基于此,编者组织了英语课程与课标专家编写了这套《捷进朗文初中英语写作》(1-3),旨在通过科学、系统的训练,帮助学生了解英语写作的特点、要求和方法,提高英语写作能力。  滚动性和复现性循序渐进。无论是结构还是内容都既抓基础知识落实又抓基本技能提高。  综合性和多样性相辅相承。读中有写,写中有读,读写训练同步,看图、叙事、说明和应用等各种写作方法和手段不拘一格。  知识性和生活性相映成趣。生活点滴、校园趣事,轻松时尚中学会用英语表达个性。  实用性和交际性相得益彰。遣词造句、交流沟通,自然自在中学会用英语交流思想。    写作点津:点拨常用词汇,讲解写作技巧,学习相关短语;妙笔生花:读图配文,激发兴趣启迪思维;提示栏:贴心呵护,关注写作细节;拾遗补缺:根据两份材料对比,填写必要信息,提高学生语篇写作能力;融会贯通:水到渠成,连词成句,连句成篇;说文解字:讲解本单元出现的重要语法点,使学生对句法和文法了如指掌,更快地提高定作水平。  本书中原汁原味、真实地道的语言素材一定能开阔学生的写作视野;本书中图文并茂、精彩纷呈的栏目一定能激发学生的写作兴趣,同时贴近生活、符合实际的训练和讲解一定能让学生增强写作信心,提高写作能力。


Unit 1 The Youth Club Paul and Robert meet at Bryant Road Youth Club.Unit 2 The wrong room Robert helps Paul with the timetable at school and finds he has the wrong timetable himself.Unit 3 I have some nice friends. Paul writes about his new friends.Unit 4 A letter to a pen friend Simon writes to his pen friend in the USA.Unit 5 An e-mail about food Laura e-mails her friend Jane about food she likes and doesn't like.Unit 6 It's party time! Paul has a party in his new home.Unit 7 Where is everything? Paul moves into his new home and the removal men put everything in the wrong place.Unit 8 How do you get e-mail? Laura shows her father how to download e-mail on her computer while she is away.Unit 9 A holiday postcard Melanie sends a postcard home from holiday.Unit 10 I am a fan of yours. Melanie writes to her favourite film star.Unit 11 A nice place to live Laura writes a paragraph at school entitled 'My town'Unit 12 Dear diary Robert writes about what he did last week.Unit 13 It was raining. Laura and Melanie write story openings.Unit 14 The monster Laura and Melanie write story continuations and endings.Answer key



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