
出版时间:2001-8  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:于忠喜 编  页数:81  字数:405000  


人类已步入信息网络时代,经济全球化的浪潮以锐不可当之势彭湃而至。随着我国即将加入WTO,中华地的产业、经济结构乃至人们生活的各个方面都将发生深刻变革。毋庸置疑,作为网络信息载体的通用语言——语语,其应用领域更加广泛,掌握英语越来越显示出其重要作用。因此,加强成人高教英语教学不仅是深化教育改革、提高教育质量的需要,也是时代的要求和每个学习者提高自我竞争力、更好地择业需要。《英语》(Lntegrative English)正是在这样的宏观背景和思想指导下编写的。


Unit1 Busy Tenpo of Modern Life  Ⅰ Working on Infromation   Dialogues A.Is Life a Race?              B.How to Cope with Stress  Passage  Stress Consumes Modem Lives  Ⅱ Using Words and Expressions  Ⅲ Integrated Listening and Speaking  Ⅳ Grammar Project  分词结构做后置定语  (Participle Phrases as Postmodifiers  Ⅴ Language Practice  Ⅵ Practical Writing     商务传真(Business Faxes)  Ⅶ Supplementary Reading    10Ways to Let the Sun Shine InUnit 2  Wedding Customs  Ⅰ Working on Infromation    Dalogues A.Shoul They Get Married?             B.They Are Breaking Up    Passage  Wedding Customs and Superstitions   Ⅱ Using Words and Expressions  Ⅲ Integrated Listening and Speaking  Ⅳ Grammar Project  "it" 做形式主语或形式宾语  ("it"as Formal Subject of Object)  Ⅴ Language Practice  Ⅵ Practical Writing   祝贺信(Letters pf Cpmgratulation)  Ⅶ Supplementary Reading  Fewer Americans than Ever Getting MarriedUnit 3 Advantages of E-Mail  Ⅰ Working on Infromation  Dialogues A.Personal Computers               B.On-line Courses  Passage   Advantages of E-mail     Ⅱ Using Words and Expressions  Ⅲ Integrated Listening and Speaking  Ⅳ Grammar Project  主谓一致(Subject-verb Concord)                     Ⅴ Language Practice  Ⅵ Practical Writing          申请信( Letters of Application)                 Ⅶ Supplementary Reading  Disadbantages of E-mailUnit 4 Child Education  Ⅰ Working on Infromation  Dialogue   How to Become Effective Parents?  Passage    Three types of Parents     Ⅱ Using Words and Expressions  Ⅲ Integrated Listening and Speaking  Ⅳ Grammar Project         非限制性定语从句  (Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses)              Ⅴ Language Practice  Ⅵ Practical Writing                         欢迎词与欢送词  (Welcoming Speeches and Farewell Speeches)  Ⅶ Supplementary Reading                      Tell Your Children You Love Them TooUnit5  Travelling  Ⅰ Working on Infromation  Dialogues A. Taking a Vacation              B. It's an Interseting Place  Passage   A Foredigner's Visit to Nanjing  Ⅱ Using Words and Expressions  Ⅲ Integrated Listening and Speaking  Ⅳ Grammar Project                     现在完成进行时   (The Present Perfect Continuous Tense)  Ⅴ Language Practice  Ⅵ Practical Writing                          欢迎词(Welcoming Speeches)  Ⅶ Supplementary Reading    Spring in Beijing  ……Simulated Test



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