
出版时间:2003-3  出版社:辽宁师范大学出版社  作者:董广才,徐珺  页数:321  字数:390000  




Unit One  1.Garage Sale  2.The American Vistor  3.RuthlessUnit Two  4.Don t Wait to give Daddy a Hug  5.Better Known as Mark Twain  6.The Boat of NoahUnit Three  7.I Never Forget a Face  8.The Youngest Painter in th World  9.Picasso nd His Pictures Unit Four  10.Richand Nixons Childhood  11.The Importance of Just Being There  12.Where Do Dreams Come from?Unit Five  13.After Twenty Years  14.The Bermanda Triangle  15.Washington D.CUnit Six  16.A Young Detective s Adventures:The Deaths of the Three Mrs  17.A Young Detective s Adventures Looking for Clues  18.A Young Detective s Adventures:The MystreyUnit Seven     19.Sam and His Store  20.Today s Dropoats  21.One Million DollarsUnit Eight  22.First Teacher in Outer Space  23.The Honor Code  24.A Double-Dyed DeceiverUnit Nine  25.Port Royal  26.Greative Justice  27.The Midnight VisitorUnit Ten  28.Dad Why Did You Do It?  29.The First Thanksgiving  30.Here They COme



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