
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:上海大学出版社  作者:黄禄善  页数:500  






Chapter 1  Seductive Fiction     1. Overview     2. Susanna Haswell Rowson: Charlotte Temple     3. Hannah Webster Foster: The Coquette; or, The History of Eliza WhartonChapter 2 Gothic Fiction     1. Overview     2. Charles Brockden Brown: Wieland ; or The Transformation     3. Issac Mitchell: The Asylum ; or Alonzo and MelissaChapter 3  Historical Romance     1. Overview     2. Lydia Maria Child: Hobomok : A Tale of Early Times     3. Catherine Maria Sedgwick: Hope Leslie     4. Joseph Holt Ingraham: Laffitte : The Pirate of Gulf     5. Robert Montgomery Bird: Nick of the WoodsChapter 4 Classic Detective Fiction     1. Overview     2. Edgar Allan Poe: The Murders in the Rue Morgue ,.     3. Anna Katherine Green: Leavenworth CaseChapter 5  Western Adventure     1. Overview     2. Bennett Emerson: The Bandits of Osage     3. Bennett Emerson: Kate ClarendonChapter 6 Women's Fiction     1. Overview     2. Susan Bogert Warner: Wide, Wide World     3. E. D. E. N. Southworth: The Hidden Hand     4. August Jane Evans: St. ElmoChapter 7  City Expos6 Fiction     1. Overview     2. George Lippard: The Quaker City     3. George Thompson: Venus in BostonChapter 8  Dime Western     1. Overview     2. Edward Sylvester Ellis: The Lost Trail     3. Edward Carroll Judson: Deadwood Dick, the Prince of the Road     4. Prentiss Ingraham: Adventures of Buffalo Bill from Boyhood to ManhoodChapter 9  Religious Fiction     1. Overview     2. Lew Wallace: Ben-Hur. A Tale of the Christ     3. Charles Monroe Sheldon: In His Steps     4. Harold Bell Wright: That Printer of Udell'sChapter 10  Molasses Fiction     1. Overview     2. Alice Hegan Rice: Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch     3. Kate Douglas Wiggin: Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm     4. Eleanor Hodgeman Porter: Pollyanna, the Glad GirlChapter 11  New Historical Romance     1. Overview     2. Mary Johnston: To Have and to Hold     3. George Barr McCutcheon= GraustarkChapter 12  Supernatural Horror Fiction     1. Overview     2. Ambrose Gwinett Bierce: An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge     3. Robert William Chambers: The King in YellowSelect Bibliography


本书共3卷,本册为18-19世纪卷,汇集了该时期脍炙人口的美国通俗小说精华30篇,涉及到言情小说、哥特式小说、历史浪漫小说、古典式侦探小说、西部冒险小说等12个主要类型和30位重要作家。本书旨在为我国大专院校英语专业,相关专业的学生以及社会上广大英语文学爱好者提供一座学习欣赏 美国通俗文学的桥梁,帮助他们真正了解美国通俗文学发展的全貌。




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