
出版时间:2007-9  出版社:北京大学医学出版社  作者:麦克乔恩 编  页数:321  




编者:(英国)麦克乔恩(J G McGeown)


Using this book
1.Basic principles and cell physiology
2.Blood and related physiology
3.Cardiovascular physiology
4.Respiratory physiology
5.Renal physiology
6.Gastrointestinal and digestive physiology
7.Neuromuscular physiology
8.Endocrine physiology
9.Reproductive physiology


插图:The main part of the text describes the importantphysiology for the different systems of the body.Within each section, the essential information is pre-sented. These essentials are summarized at the startof each subsection in the form of learning objectives,which provide a guide as to what you should knowwhen you have studied that subject. One usefulstudy technique is to check whether you haveachieved these objectives or not. Relevant structuralinformation is given first, both anatomical and his-tological, followed by a description of the main func-tions carried out. This will generally involve anoutline of what a system does and how its perfor-mance is measured. Consideration will then be givento the mechanisms which explain these observedfunctions. Particular emphasis is placed on the con-trois which regulate function to meet body needs.Finally, important examples will be given of the con-sequences of abnormal function in each system toprovide a link with your clinical study andtraining.   You have to be sure that you are reaching therequired standards, so the final section of eachchapter is there to help you to check your knowledgeand understanding. The self-assessment is in theform of multiple choice questions, single best answerquestions, matching items questions, short notequestions, modified essay questions, data interpreta-tion, clinical scenarios and sample viva questions.Some of these formats may be new to you, but allare used in testing aspiring clinicians. Questions aremainly centred on aspects of physiology which aregenerally regarded as important in clinical practiceand so are emphasized in examinations.


《Master Medicine:生理学(第3版)》:“带有答案的自我测试题部分太好了。”“这套丛书的编排简明易懂,而且包含所有有关内容。”“一套极好的基于问题进行学习的丛书。”“确实好——提倡理解与核心内容的学习。”最好的双语教学与复习考试用书!综合性系列丛书,包括医学生课程的所有主要科目涵盖医学生“必须掌握”的核心内容包括多种形式的自我测试题医学专业各学科理想的双语教学教材编写中使用了大量容易理解和记忆的简单线图,方便复习备考使用“学习目标”明确,内容框架简单明了“各章末尾的自我测试题部分好极了……这些题目与我们在考试中会遇到的非常相似……构思和编写非常巧妙。”




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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   内容比较简单适合练习英文练习题质量很高
  •   书内容是好的,,但是破损极多,
  •   其实也不需要什么专业英语底子把七版蓝皮翻透了,那书上重要的名词后面都有英文,看多了就记住英文的意思了然后你把这书一翻连猜带蒙基本没问题
  •   这是影印版教材,但印的品质很好,字体图片都很清晰没有糊。英文用字不难,有医学英文底子的读起来大致是没问题。每个章节后面都有复习练习题,可以拿来和中文的题库相对应参考。算是比较基本入门的教材,适合刚学习生理学的朋友。
  •   产品部错,就是发货稍微慢了点

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