文艺复兴 大学生英语文库

出版时间:2001-10  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:支顺福编  页数:162  字数:155000  


“大学生英语文库”是一套面向中国学生的英语系列读物,各本均为注释性读本。    兴起于14-16世纪的欧洲(主要是意大利)的文艺复兴运动其主要思想特征是人文主义,提倡以人为本位,反对中世纪偏狭的宗教教条。本书详细介绍了这次运动发生的历史背景,讲述了该运动在它爆它的中心国家意大利以及周边国家的影响和表现,客观地分析了人类文化、历史和社会发展的巨大推动作用。    本书英语纯正、文笔流畅、注释详尽,适合文理各科大学生和研究生及广大英语自学者学习之用。读者在增长科学知识的同时,可学到大量科技英语词汇。


1.The Background of the Renaissance  The Problem of the Renaissance  The Conservative Elements in Medieval Civilization:Feudalism  The Conservative Elements in Medieval Civilization:The Church  The Dynamic Elements in Medieval Society:Commerce,Money Economy and the Towns  The Rise of Centralized Territorial States  The Decline of the Feudal Nobility  Decline of the Medieval Church2.The Renaissance in Italy  The Economic Evolution of the Italian Cites  The Political Evolution of the Italian States  The Evolution of Urban Society and Culture in Italy  The Growth of Secular Elements in Italian Culture  The Literature of the Italian Renaissance:The Four-teenth Century  The Literature of trhe Italian Renaissance:The Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries  The Art of the Italian Renaissance3.The Renaissance in the North  The Economic Evolution of the North in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries  The Age of Discovery and the Changing Fortunes of the European States   The Evolution of Northern Society and Culture  The Growth of Secular Culture and Lay Piety in the North  Humanism in the North  The Vernacular Lieratures in the North  The Art of the Northern Renaissance  Conclusion




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