
出版时间:2001-10-1  出版社:上海外教  作者:康纳  页数:201  


  《剑桥应用语言学丛书:对比修辞(第二语言写作的跨文化层面)》共分三大部分,每一部分下面又分出若干章节。作者在 第一部分对对比修辞的研究范围进行重新界定,简要描述了其他研究领域,诸如应用语言学、修辞学、篇章语言学、话语类型学等对对比修辞发展所产生的影响。第二部分中,作者详细论述了其他学科,如写作教学研究、篇章语言学、人类文化学以及翻译研究等领域给予对比修辞的影响与贡献。第三部分则讨论了对比修辞研究本身的重大启示意义。


Series editors' preface ix Preface xi I PRELIMINARIES; EARLY PHASES OF THE FIELD 1 Toward an extended definition of contrastive rhetoric Writing in a second language: anecdotal evidence about problems and solutions Study of second language writing: the emergence of contrastive rhetoric Aims, purposes, and outline of this book Building a comprehensive theory of contrastive rhetoric 2 Contrastive rhetoric studies in applied linguistics Contrastive analysis, error analysis, and analysis of interlanguage Development of contrastive rhetoric: parallel with contrastive analysis International Englishes New directions in contrastive rhetorical research in applied linguistics contexts Summary 3 Historical evolution of contrastive rhetoric: from Kaplan's study to diversification in languages, genres, and authors Origins of contrastive rhetoric Arabic Chinese Japanese Korean, German, Finnish, Spanish, and Czech Summary II INTERFACES WITH OTHER DISCIPLINES 4 Contrastive rhetoric and the field of rhetoric and composition The role of rhetoric and composition in college education in the United States Classical rhetoric The expressionist approach Contrastive rhetoric and the expressionist approach Writing as a cognitive approach The social constructivist approach Summary 5 Contrastive rhetoric and text linguistics Brief overview of the history of text linguistics; definitions Major schools of thought in text linguistics Concepts and methods of text linguistics and their application to the study of writing NORDTEXT and NORDWRITE text linguistic projects of student writing Survey of contrastive rhetorical studies with a text linguistic emphasis Summary 6 Writing as an activity embedded in a culture Definition of "culture" Psychological investigations of culture and literacy Anthropological study of culture and literacy Educational study of culture and literacy Studies of culture and literacy conducted by applied linguists Summary7 Contrastive rhetoric and translation studies Development of theories of translation studies Transfer in contrastive rhetoric and translation theory Issues in common: theories of "acceptability" and "adequacy" in translation Summary 8 Genre-specific studies in contrastive rhetoric The concept of genre School writing Academic writing Professional writing Learning academic writing in sociocognitive perspective as a dynamic activity Summary III IMPLICATIONS OF CONTRASTIVE RHETORIC 9 Methods of research in contrastive rhetoric Guidance from studies of composition pedagogy Methods of contrastive rhetorical research Summary and implications 10 Conclusion: Implications and research directions Implications from contrastive text studies Implications from contrastive process-based writingImplications from contrastive genre-specific research in EFL settings Testing ESL/EFL writing in a cross-cultural setting Research directions References Author index Subject index




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