
出版时间:2002-12  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:LG业历山大  页数:84  


  《看、听、学》(3L)作者、国际著名英语教育专家L.G.Alexander又一力作  授课、练习及书写训练遵循一套设计合理而完善的基本程序  以语法为基础,注重大量扩充日常生活词汇  循序渐进,坡度平缓,符合中小学生的学习心理和习惯  增长知识,开阔视野,提高语言技能


Lesson 1 iwant to be a TV reporterLesson 2 guess what she said?Lesson 3 she said thatLesson 4 i think that youll like it.Lesson 5 dan wants to be an astronautLesson 6 were not allowed toLesson 7 we have to press this buttonLesson 8 you dont have toLesson 9 you didnt have toLesson 10 printingLesson 11 i should have turned it offLesson 12 you shouldn;shave done that!Lesson 13 i might buy themLesson 14 lt might be $ 5.Lesson 15 the vaseLesson 16 the jacket in the closteLesson 17 the teacher standing by room 3.Lesson 18 theis is the compartment l was inLesson 19 thatthe teacher we had tobayLesson 20 the ship that could never sinkLesson 21 the thieves were runningLesson 22 while dan was playing soccerLesson 23 i usde to geo every weekLesson 24 i used to be betterLesson 25 come and play!Lesson 26 lt had already leftLesson 27 they had never been campingLesson 28 lf you collect some sticksLesson 29 when lm ready,lll tell youLesson 30 columbuss voyage附录1课文参考译文附录2词汇表



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