
出版时间:2003-11  出版社:合肥工业大学出版社  作者:钱家忠  页数:310  字数:480000  


本书共分6个部分48个单元。第一部分为环境科学与工程简介,包括4个单元;第二部分为环境与环境问题,包括12个单元;第三部分为环境规划与管理,包括12个单元;第四部分为污染控制工程,包括10个单元;第五部分为学术论文写作,包括10个单元;第六部分为本书出现的专业词汇。全书由钱家忠审核、陈众校对。与以往同类教材相比,本书除涵盖了专业文献阅读内容之外,还增加了科技写作和常见的语法内容。全书具有知识点多、信息量大、覆盖面广、应用性强等特点。    本书具有知识点多、信息量大、覆盖面广、应用性强等特点。本书可作为高等院校环境科学与工程专业的本科生、研究生教材或参考书,也可作为环境保护与科学管理的从业人员的参考书。


Part ⅠIntroduction to Enviroment    Unit1 Introduction Environmental Science     Unit2 Introduction to Environemetal Imapact    Unit3 Engineering and the Environemetal    Unit4 A Symbiotic Relationship in Envionmntal EngineeringPart ⅡEnviroment and Environmental Problem    Unit5 Environment-the Human Conditon    Unit6 The Hydrologic Cycle    Unit7 Ecosystem    Unit8 Environmental Problems    Unit9 The Tragedy of the Commons    Unit10 Extinction of Divronmentalism in the U.S.    Unit11 Productivity in Aquatic Systems    Unit12 Impuriotoes In Water    Unit13 Pollution of Inald Water    Unit14 The Atomsphere and Air Pollution    Unit15 Carbon Dioxide and a chnging climate    Unit16 Noise pollutionPart ⅢEnviroment Planning and Management    Unit17 Environmental Degradation and the Law    Unit18 The ENvironment and Human Health Effects of Environmental Pollutants(1)    Unit19 The Effects of water ploution Health Effects of Environmental Pollutants(2)    Unit20 The Nature of Air pollution Reading Material:Standards of Air Quality    Unit21 The Effectos of Air pollution on Vegetation and Animals,etc……Part Ⅳ Pollution Control EngineeringPart Ⅴ Academic WritingPart Ⅵ Vocabualry



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