
出版时间:2007-3  出版社:东北大学  作者:曾宪英  页数:195  字数:323000  


  《新天地高职高专英语》是一套供高等专科学校非英语专业学生使用的英语教材。本套教材是根据教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》设计和编写的,并充分考虑了近年来高校扩招、学制缩短等影响因素,编写原则是“以应用为目的,实用为主,够用为度”,要达到的目的是:培养学生掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和技能,具有阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语的应用能力打下一定的基础。  《新天地高职高专英语》是依据当代语言学、应用语言学以及外语教学理论和研究的成果,本着以学生为中心和主体、以教师为主导的理念,以提高学生的听、说、读、写、译等实际交际应用能力为目的,并结合高职高专学生的英语基础水平和实际情况而编写的。全书以培养学生实际运用英语的能力为目标,突出教学的基础性和实用性。  本套教材分为《读写教程》、《听说教程》和《综合教程》三个系列。  《读写教程》共有四册,每册均有十个单元。每单元围绕一个主题进行选材和编写。选材真实地道,所选文章的题材和体裁具有多样性、新颖性和实用性,其内容和语言富有趣味性和时代性。课文部分包括课文A与课文B两篇课文。课后的练习紧紧围绕课文内容,包括阅读练习、词汇、语法、翻译和写作等,重在培养学生综合运用语言的能力。本册的写作部分旨在巩固学生的语法知识,提高学生的基本写作能力。




Unit 1 Culture
Text A The Fish Man’s Riddle
Text B Memories
Unit 2 Future
Text A Imagine Your Future
Text B The Future of Internet
Unit 3 Religion
Text A The Mute Singer(Part One)
Text B The Mute Singer(Part Two)
Unit 4 TrapOrtatiOn
Text A Food Traportation
Text B Food Traportation to a City
Unit 5 Exploration
Text A Protecting Earth’S Last Frontier
Text B Last Days of the Ice Hunte
Unit 6 Philosophy
Text A The Handsome and Deformed Leg
Text B What Use Is Philosophy?
Unit 7 Disaste
Text A A Report:US Suffe from Devastating Attack,Thousands Killed
Text B September 11 and My Turn
Unit 8 Science and Technology
Text A Wearable Compute You Can Slip Into
Text B Hip Hop Offe Lesso on Life Science Data Integration
Unit 9 Psychology
Text A Children Face Tough Competition at aD Early Age
Text B Pressure on Students Causes Social Problems
Unit 10 Economy
Text A Waking Up from the American Dream
Text B America Online:Offten Down,Never Out


  I glided back to the main office,eager to complete the ceremony.The bellboysgroaned on cue.I think someone threw something at me.  So on the money was spent.Twenty dollars didn’t have any real financial impacton me.But I never forgot the Fish Man.It was a mystery.There was something elsegoing on.It was as if he was posing a riddle:  “Why did I give you so much money?”  I worked on the riddle for years.Sometimes I thought I had the answer,but thesolution changed depending on my perspective.As a teenager,I thought the Fish Man was showing off.When I became a banker,I thought the Fish Man was making a wise investment to improve the service during his stay.When 1 worked for the Dhone company I thought the Fish Man was feeling guilty for having a virtual monopoly on money.  I am the same age as the Fish Man now.And I’ve had the same luck that he had financiallv.I can see myself at seventeen the way he saw me:naive,full of ener—gY and ambition,no clue where the trail begins or where it leads.  If he had offered his old—man advice,1 wouldn’t have listened to it.But histwenty-dollar tip was a message that couldn’t be filtered out by my seventeen years old brain.The Fish Man had already taken the journey that was ahead of me.Maybe he was just going back to light the path.  ……



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