
出版时间:2006-10  作者:单忠健 主编  页数:703  字数:1104000  


Early in 1958, the Third International Coal Preparation Congrees was held inLiege, France, during the period, "Coal Preparation words" in English, Germany andFrench was edited and published by the French government. 30 years later in 1990,the Eleventh International Coal Preparation Congrees was held in Japan, the Chairmanof the congress, Professor Tsunemasa Imaizumi from Tokyo University and professorToshio Inoue edited a "Coal Preparation and Processing Glossary" and then publishedin English, German, French, Russian and Japanese.      In 2006, the Fifteenth International Coal Preparation Congrees will be held inChina, with the approval of the First Organization Committee, the Chairman of thisCongrees, Professor Shan Zhongjian from China University of Mining Technologywas responsible to manage and mainly edit the new "Coal Preparation Glossary" inEnglish, Germany, French, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.  This is the newestedition, 48 years from the first one, and 16 years from the second. We honestly hopethis will help our friends who are engaging in learning more development of theworld's coal preparation.



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