
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:东北财经大学出版社有限责任公司  作者:潘惠霞 编  页数:218  


《新编旅游英语教程》是东北财经大学出版社组织编写的“21世纪高等院校旅游管理系列教材”之一。本教材编写的主要目标是为旅游管理专业学生及旅游英语爱好者提供一本以培养英语语言能力为主、以充实旅游知识为辅的英语教材。本教材融知识性和趣味性于一体,帮助学生深入了解旅游文化知识,熟悉旅行社、酒店及其他旅游服务机构及其业务知识,为学生今后从事旅游及相关行业工作奠定良好的基础。  《新编旅游英语教程》适用于旅游英语专业二年级以上(包括二年级)学生使用,同时还可以作为旅游管理专业学生的双语教学教材或旅游行业培训教材。    《新编旅游英语教程》由16课组成。每课包括课文、词汇、课文注释、写作、练习及课外阅读六个部分。课文分A、B两部分,Text A为旅游专业知识,Text,B为旅游相关知识。课文内容由浅人深,篇幅适当。词汇部分注重旅游行业专用术语和表达。课文注释部分包括语言难点、旅游专业知识、旅游文化难点等。.写作部分主要介绍应用文写作。练习部分提供包括课文理解、词汇、语法、阅读和旅游写作等方面的训练。每课后配有补充阅读材料,内容范围广、信息量大,帮助学生提高阅读能力和扩大知识面。


Unit One    Text A Travel as an Industry  Text B The Vacation and Leisure Traveler  Practical Writing:Notice(1)  Supplementary Reading  Basic Approaches to the Study of Tourism(1)Unit Two  Text A What iS Tourism?  Text B The Study of Tourism  Practical Writing:Notice(2)  Supplementary Reading  Basic Approaches to the Study of Tourism(2)Unit Three Text A Benefits and Costs of Tourism Text B The International Tourist Practical Writing:Letter Writing(1) Supplementary Reading Common Health Problems Unit Four    Text A Economic Impacts of Tourism  Text B  Cultural Effects of Tourism   Practical Writing:Letter Writing(2)  Supplementary Reading Tourism’S Impact on New York City  Unit Five  Text A What is Hospitality Management?    Text B Planned Play Environments  Practical Writing:Invitation Card Writing  Supplementary Reading  Trends in the Lodging Industry  Unit Six  Text A The Airline Industry Text B The Motorcoach Industry Practieal Writing:Reservation Letter   Supplementary Reading Impact of Tourism on EmploymentUnit Seven Text A The Food Service Industry Text B Junk Food and a Hectic Pace   Practical Writing:Letter of Confirmation Supplementary Reading Eady Food ServicesUnit Eight Text A Hotel Operations   Text B Thomas Cook Practical Writing:Letter of Application Supplementary Reading The Growth of Hotel ChainsUnit Nine Text A Recreation   Text B Casinos and Gaming   Practical Writing:R6sum6 Supplementary Reading The Walt Disney CompanyUnit Ten   Text A Attractions Text B Atlantic City Practical Writing:Thank—you Letter Supplementary Reading Entertainment and ShoppingUnit Eleven    Text A Types of Travel Agencies  Text B Travel Agency Organizations  Practical Writing:Complaints  Supplementary Reading The World Tourism OrganizationUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenReferences


插图:The Motorcoach IndustryThe fares and routes of the intercity bus industry were closely regulated bv thcInterstate Commerce Commission(ICC)until 1982,when deregulation eliminated many ofthe most restrictive regulations while maintaining a regulatory framework for industry.  In 1987 two very significant events took place in the intercity bus industry。First,Greyhound Lines,Inc.’was sold by the Greyhound Corporation in Phoenix,Arizona,to aDallas firm whose primary business was leasing intercity buses to other buscarriers.Second,this“new”Greyhound Lines bought Trailways Lines.Inc.  Consequently,the intercity route passenger bus market is highly concentrated,withGreyhound the only company with a national network.Greyhound has experiencedturbulent times,which include a strike,downsizing,and bankruptcy.Greyhound is adifferent company than it was a few years ago in 1989.For example,they now operate afleet that is about 35 percent smaller than 1 898.and regular route miles havc been reducedby over 30 percent.In addition’they have virtually moved out of the charter busbusiness.In 1989 they operated about 1 million.They are now a leaner and profitablecompany.Greyhound handled approximately 15.1 million passengers,who generated about5.9 billion passenger miles in 1992.They produced a load factor of 58 percent.  Intercity bus passengers are largely lower..income non..business travelers who are veryprice sensitive.Intercity bus service has shrunk to a minor transportation alternativebecause of increased automobile ownership availability and aggressive aidine pricing.Bustravel is characterized by more ridership to and from rural areas and small towns thaneither the air or rail modes.Greyhound’s average trip length is 387 miles.





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  •   这本书浅显易懂,适合做非外语专业的教材。但做为教材,它缺乏足够的严谨性,又没有教师参考书。
  •   要订教材才买的,主要是做教参,字体大,也很清晰,有注释,词汇,写作练习,学生老师做教材用应该很实用的。有光盘mp3

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