
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:李啸初 编  页数:309  


  全球化时代,商务英语进入了全面发展时期。2007年,教育部批准对外经济贸易大学首次设立商务英语本科专业。2008年,全世界遭受了罕见的金融危机,这一切对商务英语的人才培养提出了前所未有的严峻挑战。《商务英语》在这样一个大背景下诞生了。本套教材融合了中西方对语言教学的不同理念与方法,将语言学习、语言使用、人文素养和商务知识有机融合,充分调动学生的积极性,在认知和交际过程中提高英语水平,培养跨文化沟通能力、学习技能和研究能力。第l一2册在商务环境下训练语言基本技能和交际功能,突出跨文化交际意识与技能培养;第3-4册按不同话题为主线,结合商务环境下的交际活动,深入讨论相关话题,提高学生的跨文化商务交际能力。  本教材编写采取听、说、读、写整合的思路,以听说导人,以阅读为核心,围绕阅读课文进行口头和写作训练;语言、商务与文化有机结合,知识与技能兼顾,人文素养与商务专业素质并重,重在培养跨文化商务交际能力。本教材具有以下特点:  ★系统训练商务交际听说技能。  ★关注社会热点问题,启发思考,培养分析问题和解决问题的能力。  ★将技能训练与商务情景结合,为掌握商务知识与业务技能打好基础。  本教材共4册,每册共16个单元,教师可以按照教学计划,每周完成一个单元,每单元包括2个课时,部分内容可删减或扩展。每单元分为5个部分:1)准备活动:引入话题、输入主要语言点等;2)听力训练:进入话题、输入语言点、训练听力技巧;3)阅读理解:学习阅读策略及训练阅读技能、输入语言点、知识点;4)口笔头练习:根据以上输入操练;5)补充练习活动:包括多种形式的扩展练习。也可根据学生的水平、课时量和教学重点灵活掌握和使用各阶段的任务。


  本套综合教程融合了中西方对语言教学的不同理念与方法,将语言学习、语言使用、人文素养和商务知识有机融合,充分调动学生的积极性,在认知和交际过程中提高英语水平,培养跨文化沟通能力、学习技能和研究能力。第1-2册在商务环境下训练语言基本技能和交际功能,突出跨文化交际意识与技能培养;第3-4册以不同话题为主线,结合商务环境下的交际活动,深入讨论相关话题,提高学生的跨文化商务交际能力。  本册编写采取听、说\读、写整合的思路,以听说导入,以阅读为核心,围绕阅读课文进行口头和写作训练;语言、商务与文化有机结合,知识与技能兼顾,人文素养与商务专业素质并重,重在培养跨文化商务交际能力。


Unit 1 Interpersonal RelationshipsUnit 2 Economics in Our LifeUnit 3 On the Wrong Side of LawUnit 4 Gender andRolesUnit 5 Food and HealthUnit 6 TravellingUnit 7 SportsUnit 8 EntertainmentsUnit 9 The Business WorldUnit 10 Getting a JobUnit 11 Marketing and AdvertisingUnit 12 SalesUnit 13 MannersUnit 14 Green IssuesUnit 15 Comparing CulturesUnit 16 Education


  This trade-off is nicely illustrated in the evolution of automobile features. I bought myfirst car in the spring of 1961, when I was a high school junior. The classified ad that led meto it read something like this:1955 Pontiac Chieftain two-door, V8, radio, heater, stickshift, $ 375 or best offer.Today, of course, all cars have heaters, but in 1955 they wereoptional. Many cars sold in South Florida, where I lived, did not have them. Even there,however, a heater would have been nice on at least a few days each winter. But incomeswere much lower then, and many buyers were willing to forgo that luxury to get a slightbreak on price. At that time, a manufacturer that offered only cars with heaters would haverisked losing business to rivals that offered cheaper models without them.  As incomes rose, however, the number of consumers willing to endure winters chill tosave a few dollars steadily diminished. Once the demand for cars without heaters fell below acertain point, dealers no longer wanted to keep them in showrooms. They would have beenable to supply them as higher-priced, custom orders, but clearly no one would pay extra forthe option of doing without a heater. Eventually cars without heaters disappeared.  My Pontiacs V8 engine was a common choice of car buyers in 1955, when the onlyother widely available option was a six-cylinder engine. The benefit of the V8 was that itprovided noticeably better acceleration than the six. Its cost, in addition to its higherpurchase price, was that it consumed a little more fuel. But gasoline was still cheap in thosedays.



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