
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:袁立辉、 范广丽 对外经济贸易大学出版社 (2011-07出版)  作者:袁立辉,范广丽 编  页数:157  






版权页:插图:Generally speaking, there are three essential6 factors by which Chinese cooking is judged,namely "color, aroma and taste". "Color" refers to the layout and design of the dishes."Aroma" implies not only the smell of the dish, but also the freshness of the materials and the blending of seasonings. "Taste" involves proper seasoning and fine slicing techniques. These three essential factors are achieved by careful coordination of a series of activities: selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing and cooking adjustment of the heat, and laying out the food on the plate.Since the introduction of agriculture, grains of cultivated crops have become the main source of man's staple food. Farming began to take up most of man's labor and time.Cultivation of crops was a process of man's work from sowing, applying fertilizer to harvest.It was the most important work in people's mind that could not be replaced by anything else.Growing crops was not the only way of obtaining food. The ancients began expanding their sources of food at a very early time, developing farming, forestry, animal husbandry,sidelines, and fishing in line with local conditions.





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