
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:暨南大学出版社  作者:洗燕华 编  页数:156  


  《国际商务英语口语(第2版)》国际商务英语口语是一门应用性很强的课程,在教材的编写过程中我们尽可能贴近业务实际和语言特点,选用一些实际应用的对话范例以及贴近商务洽谈的练习供学生操作。做到深入浅出,图文并茂,突出实用性,充分体现职业教育“以能力为本,以应用为目的,以学生为主体”的特点。全书分为十二个单元,按外贸业务进展的不同环节和内容进行编写,包括建立业务关系、询盘与报盘、供货紧缺、价格、佣金与折扣、支付方式、包装、装运、保险、签订合同、投诉与索赔及代理等内容。各单元都包括业务介绍、洽谈要点、对话示例、词语注释、词语补充、常用句型、练习、实训和知识补充等部分。  该书可作为中专、高职高专国际商务、商务英语、国际贸易专业和其他涉外专业学习国际商务英语口语的教材,也可作为有志于从事国际商务工作的人员自学商务英语口语、提高商务英语口语能力的参考书。


编写说明第一单元 建立业务关系第二单元 询盘与报盘第三单元 供货紧缺第四单元 价格第五单元 佣金与折扣第六单元 支付方式第七单元 包装第八单元 装运第九单元 保险第七单元 签订合同第十一单元 投诉与索赔第十二单元 代理参考文献


  An importer may reject an exporters price at the outset of the discussions simply to get theupper hand from the beginning of the negotiations, thereby hoping to obtain concessions on othermatters. The importer may also object to the initial price quoted to test the seriousness of the offer,to find out how far the exporter is willing to lower the price, to seek a specific lower price becausethe product brand is unknown in the market, or to demonstrate a lack of interest in the transactionas the product does not meet market requirements.  If the importer does not accept the price, the exporter should react positively by initiating dis-cussions on non-price questions, instead of immediately offering price concessions or taking a de-fensive attitude. Widening the issues and exploring the real reasons behind the objections to theprice quoted will put the talks on a more equal and constructive footing. Only by knowing the cau-ses of disagreement can an exporter make a reasonable counter-offer. This counter-offer need notbe based merely on pricing. It can cover other related aspects.  To meet price objections, some exporters artificially inflate their initial price quotations. Thisenables them to give price concessions during the opening of the negotiations without taking any fi-nancial risks. The danger of this approach is that it immediately directs the discussions into pricingissues at the expense of the other important components of the marketing mix. Generally, such ini-tial price concessions are followed by more demands from buyers that will further reduce the profit-ability of the export transaction. For instance, the buyer may press for concessions on: Quantitydiscounts ; Discounts for repeat orders ; Tighter deliverydeadlines that may increase productionand transport costs ; Free promotional materials in the language of the import market ; Free after- sales servicing ; Market exclusivity ; A long-term agency agreement ; Higher commission rates ; Better credit and payment terms, etc.  To avoid being confronted by such costly demands, an exporter should try to determine the buyers real interest in the product from the outset. This can be ascertained through appropriate questions but must also be based on research and other preparations before the negotiations. Only then should suitable counter-proposals be presented.



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