大学英语 新四级视听实战

出版时间:2010-10  出版社:人民出版社  作者:陈琛 编  页数:201  




社会万象 戴妃之死 联合国 华尔街大崩盘 珍珠国王和王后庆祝丰收节 家庭生活中父母角色的变化 夏奇拉的世界杯主题曲引发争议 英国艺术展鸟儿献艺生活百科 牡羊座 金牛座 双子座 巨蟹座 饮食习惯 人体艺术 酒精的影响经济快报 谷歌欲实现全球图书数字化 汽车业2010大变局 非营利团体帮助女性再就业 美国经济复苏情况不如预期 机构为美国低收入群体提供小额创业贷款 美国政府提议增加对数学与科学教育的投入 高盛将评审公司的核心成员科技先锋 克隆动物——你好,多利! 骄阳之下保持凉爽、安全 揭秘高速火车 汽车跟踪器 有趣的行走 开展手机3G业务 会说话的画健康环保名人演讲职场故事动物世界奇趣自然


  Voiceover: It looks tonight like he might be the comeback kid. In recentmonths he's been seen by many as a slack-jawed, toffee-nosed, publicschool PR guy. Well yon can say what you like about David Cameron, butwhen everyone has told you this must be the speech of your life, how muchbottle does it take to walkonto the stage with no script and no autocue.David Cameron: I've just got a few notes so it might be a bit messy; but itwill be me.  Voieeover: His speech was too long, it sacked a bit in the middle, but it wasearnest, well thought through and personal.  David Cameron: When I think of the NHS, I think of the people in it. Ithink of the care worker who turns up at our home three nights a week tolook after my son and cares for him as if he was her own son. I think aboutthe neurologist who was just desperate to give us a better quality of life andhe wouldn't stop until he found the answer. He got us back into hospital dayafter day, week after week.   ……



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