一生一次Once in a Lifetine

出版时间:2009-3  作者:Cathy Kelly  


Every woman needs her Cathy Kelly time ...Kenny's Department Store, with its handsome Edwardian facade and unique cherry-picked goods, is the jewel in the Irish town of Ardagh's crown.  Star Bluestone sells her beautifully crafted tapestries at Kenny's. Made with natural dyes, they embody her mother-earth spirit and creative vision. She has a special reason for caring about Kenny's beyond her sales. Meanwhile for Ingrid Fitzgerald, hotshot political interviewer and wife of David Kenny, the store is the 'other woman' in her marriage. With her children leaving home and her career blossoming, she is worried by the toll the store is taking on her husband.  Charlie Fallon, one of David's staff, is one of the first to hear the rumour that Kenny's is facing with a takeover bid. As the threat of closure looms and with an owner who doesn't seem his usual self -- what does the future hold for the women who are bound together by its fortunes?



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