Fermat's Last Theorem (平装)

出版时间:2007年02月  出版社:Harper Collins Publ. UK (2007年2月5日)  作者:Simon Singh  


When Cambridge mathematician Andrew Wiles announced a solution for Fermat's last  theorem in 1993, it electrified the world of mathematics. After a flaw was discovered in the proof,  Wiles had to work for another year--he had already laboured in solitude for seven years--to  establish that he had solved the 350-year-old problem. Simon Singh's book is a lively,  comprehensible explanation of Wiles's work and of the colourful history that has build up around  Fermat's last theorem over the years. The book contains some problems that offer a taste for the  maths, but it also includes limericks to give a feeling for the quirkier side of mathematicians.   --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.




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