出版时间:2007-1  出版社:McGraw-Hill  作者:Lim, Paul  页数:304  


Planning for your kids' college tuition and your own retirement is a lot more difficult today than it was for your parents. Self-directed retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs as well as tax-deferred college savings plans require you to make your own savings and investment decisions. That's why you need Financial Planning Demystified.   Written by Paul Lim, Chief Financial Correspondent for U.S. News & World Report, this book begins by focusing on assets and liabilities and discusses ways to save money, avoid debt, and maintain good credit. Then, you'll get a thorough overview of different types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate investments, and more. Finally, you'll find easy-to-follow advice on how to organize and protect your financial accounts.  This quick and easy guide features:  Checklists and questionnaires to help you plan  Proven advice from a financial expert  Helpful charts and tables  A quiz at the end of each chapter to reinforce learning and pinpoint weaknesses  A final exam at the end of the book  No unnecessary technical jargon  Packed with clear explanations and priceless tips from a pro, Financial Planning Demystified is your shortcut to planning for a lifetime of income.


PrefacePART Ⅰ YOUR ASSETS AND LIABILITIES  CHAPTER 1  Creating a Savings Plan CHAPTER 2  Borrowing and CreditPART Ⅱ YOUR INVESTMENTS CHAPTER 3  Corporate Stocks CHAPTER 4  Corporate Bonds CHAPTER 5  Cash CHAPTER 6  Government Securities CHAPTER 7  Rear Estate CHAPTER 8  CommoditiesCHAPTER Ⅲ  YOUR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS CHAPTER 9  Your Managed Funds CHAPTER 10  Cortege Savings CHAPTER 11  Retirement Savings CHAPTER 12  Safeguarding Your FinanciaL PtanFinaL ExamGtossaryOnline Resources for FinancialInformationAnswer KeyIndex




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